Chapter One Hundred and Five

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Cress's hands were shaking so much it was difficult to tie the bow in the back of her dress. She cast a glance at Carswell, effortlessly tying his neck-tie as if he'd never stopped wearing them. Aces he was handsome.

"You know I can't remember the last time I wore a suit," Carswell said.

"The Lunar ball." 

"Don't remind me."

Cress smirked. Satisfied her bow was as good as it was going to get, she turned around and stooped for her shoes. "I don't know, I like thinking about the ball."

"Ugh." Carswell looked up, the frown leaving his face as he smiled. "You look beautiful."

Cress nervously smiled. "Really? The dress isn't to... much? Or not enough?"

"No, it's perfect."

"I mean by your parents standards."

"It's perfect by my parents standards," he amended, standing up and crossing the room.

Cress's stomach filled with butterfly when he laced his hand through hers, ducking his head to kiss her. His arms moved around her waist and he turned, dipping her in a dramatic show of passion.

Cress raked her hands up through his hair, in no hurry to break away.

Carswell straightened all to soon, breaking away. "Merry Christmas."

Cress sighed, smiling. "Merry Christmas."

"I have one more thing for you."

Cress grinned. "Oh?"

Carswell, with a mischievous smirk, reached into his suitcase and pulled out an elegant, black velvet box. He carefully pried the lid open and Cress sucked in a startled breath.

A beautiful string of white pearls was nestled inside, glimmering up at her in the dim light. "Oh aces, they're beautiful," she sighed.

Carswell carefully lifted them out and tossed the box on the bed. He stepped behind her, fastening them around her neck. They just grazed the top of her collar bone.

"Thank you!" Cress said, turning and wrapping her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly and his arms wrapped around her waist.

"You're welcome." He nudged her side, sighing dramatically. "I guess we should go."

"Where's your jacket?"

Carswell nodded to the desk chair where his black jacket had been tossed. He slid it on and did the front buttons, looking everything like a romantic hero from a net drama. He winked at her, taking her hand and starting down the magnificent stairwell.

Cress glanced at the back of her dress, grinning when it dragged down the stairs. She wished the rest of the Rampion Crew were here, it would have been so much more fun to get to dress up and have a fancy Christmas dinner with all their friends.

As they neared the dinning room, Cress heard soft music playing. She assumed at first it was just a recording until they walked into the living room and she saw a shiny black piano with someone was actually playing! Live music--aces and spades. 

"Carswell, Crescent," Carswell's mother said as they both walked in. She gave Carswell a halfhearted hug, pausing to straighten his tie, before dipping her head at Cress. "What would you like to drink?"

Cress glanced behind her at the massive drink cart. "Um..."

"Club soda for both of us," Carswell said.

Cress breathed a small sigh of relief when his mother turned toward one of the smartly dressed footman who immediately poured two soda's into crystal glasses.

"Come in, sit down," she continued, waving them towards a small settee.

Cress stood frozen to the spot, only managing to move when Carswell pulled her hand.

"Ah, first ones down."

Cress jumped, a rock dropping in her stomach when his father--or as he preferred to be called Mr. Thorne--came into the room. He curtly nodded at Carswell, barely giving Cress a glance, before taking a glass from one of the servants and sitting down in the sofa opposite them.

"So, how goes things?" he asked, an edge to his voice Cress wasn't sure what it meant.

"Things are good."

"Are you two still living on that ship?"

Carswell shook his head. "No, we have an apartment."

"I take it you're letting the house in LA sit untouched then?"

"For now. We haven't decided if we'll keep it or what we're gonna do."

"Ah." Mr. Thorne's gaze shifted to Cress, who struggled not to squirm. "And what's your story? Do you work as well?"

Cress shook her head. "No. Sir. I'm in school right now."

"And what are you studying?"

"I haven't decided."

"So you're just dipping in and out of random classes?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I thought you meant what my major was--no, um, I'm taking a history class and a uh, geography class, and..." oh aces, what was the other one?


"Math, right!"

"But you haven't decided on your major."

"No. I might not even get a major, I just wanted the whole 'school' experience."

Mr. Thorne nodded slowly. He lightly cleared his throat.

It was the longest ten minutes of Cress's life, but finally the rest of their dinner guests showed up. She wasn't expecting so many, though she was glad as it took the focus off her and Carswell. Only when everyone was talking and mingling with one another did Cress feel like she could talk to Carswell without being scrutinized. Though of course all his parents friends wanted to say hi to him and how long it had been since they'd seen him and "my how tall you've gotten!"

Cress was glad that he kept his arm around her. She'd never liked being around tons of people, let alone tons of people she didn't know and who were also good friends of Carswell's snobby rich parents, so it was comforting to have him to hold onto.

Dinner was the fanciest, longest meal Cress had ever had. Even at Cinder's coronation ball the food was identifiable. Simple, even.

"It's good," she murmured after the third course had been brought in.

"I'd never say this to anyone but you, but my parents do know how to make good food."

Cress stifled a laugh, hiding a smile behind her water glass. 

"Make sure you save some room for dessert, though."

Cress nodded. "I better slow down then 'cause I'm starting to get full."

"Just push it around with your fork so it looks like you're doing something."

"Dinner hacks 101," Cress said with a giggle.

Cress thought for sure they must have been nearing the end of dinner but two more courses were brought out. Cress did just as Carswell suggested, pushing the left over food on her plate around with her fork and only taking a bite when someone glanced at her. By the time dessert was brought out, she thought she'd explode.

"There's no chance I can stash this somewhere and eat it later, is there?"

Carswell shook his head. "Doubt it."

Cress groaned, though she ended up eating her entire plate of chocolate lava cake.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now