Chapter Seventy Four

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Cress was glad when the ferris wheel came to a stop. It wasn't as bad as she had been expecting, but there was just something about being suspended by a swinging chair hanging hundreds of feet from the ground. Though she was thrilled that Carswell seemed to like his gift. She felt like she'd finally found the perfect gift combining practicality and sentimentality.

"So, whatcha feel like for dinner? We can take it to the beach and watch the sunset." Cress said, trying to ignore how strange it felt to be taking the lead.

"Ooh, I could really go for a corndog."

Cress nodded, glancing around. "Um..."

"Over there." Carswell nodded towards a small little stand. He took her hand and they started towards it, ordering a rather large mish-mash of food before starting towards the exit and walking onto the beach.

The sand was warm, which was good because the temperature had dropped again. They walked towards the ocean before sinking down and getting comfortable.

Cress wish she'd thought to bring a blanket or something for them to sit on.

"Here, let's go sit by the rocks." Carswell suggested.

"It's so pretty here." Cress sighed, taking the card-board box Thorne handed her and opening it as they settled on the ground.

"I know."

For a while they ate in silence. Cress couldn't take her eyes from the ocean, the setting sun, the way the colors changed in the sky. She felt a small pulse of relief that Earthen sunsets and sunrises were just as magnificent now as they had been her first few months on Earth. She looked up at the sky and tried to see Luna, but couldn't.

By the time they both finished eating, the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon. Carswell shifted, lying back and resting his head in Cress's lap.

Cress smiled to herself, threading her fingers through his hair and taking a deep breath of the salty air.

"You're so beautiful." Carswell murmured, reaching a hand up and running his fingers down her jaw.

Cress flushed. She could never think of the right thing to say back. "So are you."

Carswell laughed. He fished for her other hand and held it against his chest, his thumb moving across her knuckles as his eyes slipped closed again.

Cress swept her gaze back out to the ocean. Clouds had rolled in, making the sky appear darker than it should have been. After only another half hour, the temperature grew uncomfortably cold and Cress shivered.



Carswell pushed himself up, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. "Me too." He replied, keeping his arm around her as they started back towards the house. It was quiet when they walked in. Cinder and Kai were the only ones awake and they were seated in the living room with just one light on.

"How was the fair?" Cinder asked.

"Fun." Carswell smiled, starting up the stairs. "See you tomorrow."

Cinder saluted.

"Happy birthday, again." Cress said once they were alone in their room. She snaked her arms around his waist and stretched up to kiss him.

"Thank you for a wonderful day. Easily the best birthday ever."

Cress grinned.

Carswell ducked down to her level and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up and then sinking back onto the bed.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now