Chapter Ninety Four

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Carswell crept from beneath the blankets, checking over his should to make sure he didn't wake Cress. She arched her back in a stretch and readjusted the pillow beneath her head but when on sleeping. Moving silently, Carswell tugged on his boots and grabbed his jacket before creeping down the stairs and out toward the garage where the Rampion was parked. Jumping into the cockpit, he started down the short corridor toward his room where he'd hidden a guitar beneath the bed. He pulled the desk chair out and took a seat, checking the strings to make sure they were still in tune. He couldn't finally do that without watching the video, and yesterday he managed to get through all of Sweet Crescent Moon. Granted he had to stop every few seconds and it was far from on beat, but he made it through.

For almost an entire hour he practiced; over and over again until the tips of his fingers hurt. Grinning, Carswell tucked the guitar back beneath the bed and then jogging back down to the garage and inside.

"Where were you?" Cress asked, standing behind the stove. Sausage links were sizzling and popping over the stove and Carswell smelled something sweet.

"Just checking the Rampion. All the moisture in the air makes; don't want her to rust or anything." He said, knowing full well some rain wouldn't "rust" the Rampion.

Cress nodded. "Hungry?"

"Always." Carswell grinned back, hanging his jacket up. He walked over to her, sneaking a bite of sausage and kissing the side of her face.

Cress dished up the rest of the sausages and then pulled a dish of cinnamon rolls from the oven.

Carswell grabbed a couple plates and forks from the cabinet and set them on the table. "Mm smells amazing."

"Thanks!" Cress giggled, tucking her hair behind her ears.

Carswell watched her slice into the rolls. He couldn't take his eyes off he, she was so cute and beautiful and perfect. Pushing up from his seat and leaning across the table, Carswell cupped her chin and kissed her.

"What was that for?" Cress asked, smiling.

"Nothing." Carswell shrugged. "Just hadn't kissed you in a while."

Cress's grin intensified and she laughed again. "Do you want some?"

Carswell blinked. His eyes darted to the cinnamon rolls. "Oh yeah, for sure."

Cress handed him a plate and then shoved a bowl toward him with extra frosting.

"Aces I'm gonna have to start extending my workouts."

Cress wiggled her eyebrows. "I wouldn't mind that. Oh, random; Scarlet commed yesterday and said she and Wolf can come to Thanksgiving!"

"Oh nice."

"Cinder's not sure yet and Jacin has exams the week after so Winter said they might pass this year."

"Fingers crossed."

Cress leveled a glare at him.

"What? I mean fingers crossed that they can come." 


Carswell hid a smile. "Hey, what are you doing today?"

"Probably just finishing up some homework. Why?"

"I thought we could do something. Go shopping maybe, or... I don't know." He shrugged. "Just something fun."

"I'm down, let me just check my homework status."

"Yeah, no rush. I've got all day."

Cress nodded. Right after breakfast she hurried to her desk and started scanning over her textbooks and Carswell cleaned up the kitchen.

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