Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Dinner that night was casual. Mainly just leftovers from all the meals over the past week. The net screen was on in the background and Cress had been keeping everyone occupied with various games—some she made up and others that already existed.

Thorne hadn't ever seen her so animated around people other than just him and he and loved that she was starting to feel comfortable around everyone. Especially Wolf. He seamed to enjoy playing games with her more than anyone and it was hysterical to see him sitting at the coffee table hunched over a game of battle ship.

"Here," Scarlet said as she set down a plate of sandwiches between them.

Without taking his eyes from the game, Wolf snaked an arm around her waist and kissed her side.

"Where's my plate?" Thorne asked.

"In the cabinet," Scarlet replied as she sank down on the sofa behind Wolf.

Cress reached for a sandwich, took a bite, and handed it to Thorne. "Here I'm full." She said, grinning.

Thorne winked at her. "Where're Cinder and Kai?"

"I think they went to bed." Scarlet said through a yawn. "Speaking of which, I think I'm going to head to bed too."

"We'll finish the game and I'll be right behind you," Wolf added.

Scarlet stooped to kiss the top of his head before trudging up the stairs.

Thorne watched Wolf beat Cress for the 3rd time in a row. She didn't seam bothered by it, adding that one day she'd beat him.

"I'm sure you will," he added seriously, folding the boards up and tucking them beneath the coffee table.

Once Wolf had gone up the stairs, Cress stood up and moved to the window. It had started raining about an hour ago and now it was pouring.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Thorne asked, smirking.

Cress turned to look at him. "Really?"

"Yeah. Come on, I'm sure Scarlet will let you borrow her jacket." He said, standing up and reaching for a yellow raincoat hanging on the coat rack. He helped her on with it before grabbing his own.

The rain was loud when they walked outside. Thorne glanced at Cress to make sure she was fine. She trotted right down the steps and into the torrent.

"Hey, slow down." Thorne jogged to catch her, taking her hand that was already wet. "Come on, let's walk through the fields."

Cress nodded.

By the time they had reached the edge of the property line, both of them were completely drenched. Cress's teeth were chattering and her hair was hanging in limp strands, water droplets falling off her ends.

"Aces its cold," Thorne said over the roar of the rainfall.

Cress grinned up at him, wrapping her wet arms around his waist.

Thorne ducked his head to kiss her. They circled the perimeter before returning to the Rampion, soaking wet.

Thorne quickly changed into dry sweats and while Cress was doing the same, he heated up two cups of hot chocolate and settled in the living room.

"It's so clean in here," he said when she came out.

"I know! It looks nice doesn't it?" Cress's gaze wandered around the room.

"It really does."

Cress leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed.


"Yeah. But I like sitting here. With you... and the rain outside... and snuggled under a blanket."

Thorne faintly laughed. "You're such a hopeless romantic."

She giggled and a peaceful silence settled over them. The rain continued to pour down, pattering against the metal exterior.

"Tell me something about you," he murmured after a while.


"Anything. Something I don't already know."

Cress drew a breath in and let it out. "Hm. Um... I one time asked Mistress if she'd bring me a leather jacket. You know... cause you had one."

"You did not."

"I did! She didn't, of course."

"Of course not. That would have been way to nice," Thorne added, sipping at his chocolate.

"Okay, you're turn."

"To tell you something about me?"


"What are you talking about? You know more about me than I do."

Cress laughed, clamping her hand over her mouth before she woke Cinder or Kai. "Come on. At least try."

"Okay. Hm..." Thorne wracked his brain for something about his life that stood out to him that hadn't been recorded or talked about. "Oh, I know."

Cress shifted, turning slightly so she could face him.

"One time, I think it was at a Christmas party, I switched out the sugar for salt when the cook was making the cakes."

"Carswell." Cress groaned.

"Don't worry, I didn't go near the sugar you and Scarlet were using," he added, nudging her.

"What a relief." Cress snuggled closer to him as he reached around her and grabbed one of the neatly folded blankets.

"Excited for Thanksgiving?"

"Mm-hm! And I'm so glad everyone stayed. I heard Kai say he might have to go back to the Commonwealth for I guess whatever he had to do was taken care of."

Thorne's eyes closed, though his fingers continued to move through her hair.

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