Chapter Eighty Five

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Cress sucked in a breath, darkness filling her vision. "What's wrong?"

"Cinder just got a report of an insurgent in the outer sector."

Cress woke up a little more. She struggled to sit up, keeping the sheet wrapped around her bare torso. "What?"

"Yeah, we're heading out."

Cress nodded. "Gimme five minutes."

"No, no, no—you stay." Carswell whispered, kissing her. "I've already gotten your stuff so you can wake up a little slower." 

Cress smiled to herself. "Thanks." She could barely make Carswell out as he moved through the pitch black, probably getting dressed. She finally slid to the ground, keeping the sheet wrapped beneath her arms and liking the way it dragged behind her when she walked.

"Can I do anything?" She asked.

"Nah, I don't think so."

Cress nodded, stifling a yawn. She sank down on the sofa, knowing she would fall asleep if she went back to bed. 

"Love the new outfit." Carswell said as he reached around her for his port.

Cress tiredly grinned. "I'm gonna start a new trend—sheet chic."

"Ooh, I like it." Carswell paused, partially hovering over her. He kissed the end of her nose.

Cress grinned.

"You might wanna get dressed at some point before we leave."

"Yeah, I suppose." She sighed dramatically, heaving herself up and grabbing her cargo pants and t-shirt from the dresser. She took a quick shower, skipping a hair wash, and hurriedly got dressed.

"Ready?" Carswell asked, beckoning her towards the door.

Cress nodded. She took her sweatshirt when he handed it to her and tugged it over her head. It was cold outside and a hover was waiting.

Cinder and Wolf and Kai were inside.

"Morning." Cinder mumbled, her head leaned back in the seat and her eyes closed.

"No coffee?" Carswell asked, settling into an empty space.

"Do you see or smell any?"

"Ah, I see we're gonna have a grumpy cyborg." He was quick to pull Cress against him, blocking Cinder in case she tried to smack him.

The drive was short, and along the way Cress pulled up the surveillance feed to check the surrounding streets. Heat sources of varying degrees told her which dots were people and which were port screens or hovers.

"They were last spotted coming down 5th." Cinder said as the hover came to a rather abrupt halt.

A rock dropped in Cress's stomach and she hurried to get out with the rest of them. A small team of Lunar soldiers were waiting. Cinder rattled off a series of commands, Wolf adding a few suggestions before the group took off down a side street.

Cress pulled up their locations on her port, pinging a signal from her watch so she could watch them move in real time. "They're right up ahead." She said, her voice shaking.

"Where?" Cinder asked.

"Looks like two streets, heading to the left."

Cinder waved them all forwards and Cress broke out into a jog to keep up with everyone. Her heart started thudding in her chest and she was glad there were at least a few more Lunar soldiers with them.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now