Chapter One Hundred and Eight

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Cress reached for another carton of orange chicken before leaning back and readjusting herself against Carswell. Her legs weren't long enough to reach the coffee table so she tucked them beneath her instead.

"What is this?" he asked, tilting his box.

Cress shrugged. "Looks like vegetables of some kind."

"Ugh. Whoever said being healthy was good was wrong."

Cress laughed. "There's plenty of chicken and noodles."

Carswell sighed. "Looks like that'll have to do." He reached for another box of chicken and delved in. "Ah, much better."

"Why'd you even get the vegetables?"

"Because they're good for you."

"But neither of us are eating them."

"I had some, they just weren't great."

"Shh, you're talking over the good parts," Cress murmured with a chop-stick wave toward the TV.

"You have some. They're good for you," he whispered, shoving the tray of veggies toward her.

Cress made a face but obligingly had a few helpings. "They're actually not that bad. Kinda mushy but otherwise not terrible."

Carswell scoffed.

Cress, smiling to herself, leaned her head on his shoulder while continuing to work on her orange chicken. "I still need to video call with Kai to talk about the security at the New Beijing Palace."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's been getting hacked a lot lately--I love this song!" Cress froze, chop-sticks in midair as the music started and the main character starting her slow melody. Cress sighed, wrapping an arm around one of Carswell's and staring dreamy-eyes at the screen until the scene was over. Then she went back to her dinner.

"Spring roll?"


"Finish eating and then I wanna show you something," Carswell said.

Cress lightly frowned. His tone was a little to casual and there was an odd tilt to go mouth as if he were trying not to smile. "Okay." She finished the last bite of chicken and then brushed her hands together. "Done."

Carswell couldn't fight the grin on his face as he nodded, setting down his box. He stood up. "Okay close your eyes."

Grinning, Cress did as she was told. She heard him walk upstairs and it was a few moments before he came back down.

"Keep them closed."

"They're closed. When can I open them?"

"Be patient."

"Just give me a warning if your gonna throw something at me, okay?"

"You're hilarious." Cress could hear the eye roll on his voice. "Start singing something."


"Start singing something."

"What?" Cress tried not to laugh, suddenly nervous he was recording her. Maybe for a podcast thing?

"'Sweet Crescent Moon.'"

Steeling herself, Cress lightly cleared her throat and started singing. She hadn't finished the first verse when he started harmonizing. And—

Cress couldn't help it. Her eyes shot open. She almost stopped singing, mesmerized by both his voice at the fact that he was playing the guitar!

Carswell, though smiling, didn't stop singing. Cress forgot the words for a split second but then excitement bubbles in her stomach and she started singing with renewed vigor. He played—and sang—so well. She had no idea!

Unfortunately the song had an end and cress could barely manage to finish off the last words before a squeal ripped it's way free. She shoved herself forward, throwing her arms around him and pestering him with kisses. At least he'd managed to get the guitar out of the way.

"When—? How'd—? I didn't know you played!"

"I didn't, I've been teaching myself the past 6 months or so."

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"I wanted to surprise you! I was going to do something really corny and cheesy and like make you a recording or something but..." he shrugged.

Cress tried to formulate a complete thought, but failed. She'd always wanted to sing with him, but for him to have learned to play the guitar was so beyond perfect and wonderful and amazing she couldn't believe it was actually happening!

"Sappy enough for you?"

Cress grinned. "No! It's not sappy at all, it's romantic and perfect and so are you," she sighed, hugging him again.

Carswell laughed. He kissed the side of her head. "I'm glad you're happy."

"Beyond happy. Can you play it again? And sing too!"

Carswell grinned. He nodded and they sang Sweet Crescent Moon another two or three times before Cress was satisfied for the moment. Though she made him promise they could make singing together a "regular thing."

"I promise," he said with a grin, hooking an arm around her neck and kissing her. "Maybe we can learn a dance and really show everyone up."

"Oooh yes!" Cress grinned, reaching for the chow mien. Almost to giddy to sit still, Cress forced herself to finish the rest of her dinner. She and Carswell spent the rest of the night talking. Which was so much fun—she missed just talking to him and "hanging out" like they used to.

"We need to plan another Disney trip, by the way."

"Yes!" Cress grinned. "And I've heard the best time to go is right after Christmas cause everyone's back in school and working and stuff."

"Losers," Carswell scoffed. "I'll look at tickets and see when we can go. Do you have a specific preference?"

Cress shook her head. "As soon as possible."

"Cool." Carswell whipped out his out his port screen.

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