Chapter One Hundred and Six

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Cress glanced around, still amazed at the magnificence of the Thorne's house. She couldn't imagine staying her longer than a week, let alone this being one of two houses they lived in. She instinctively smiled when Carswell's hand started playing with hers. He was talking to one of his parent's friends beside them so it must have been reflex.

"So then how did you two meet?" the woman asked.

Carswell laughed. "Oh you know, daring escapades, heroic rescues, that kind of thing."

The woman smiled, but it looked forced. Like she was confused.

"Carswell, can you be serious?" his mother asked with a dismissive laugh.

Cress lightly grimaced, barely managing to catch herself from glancing at Carswell.

"I'm always serious," Carswell deadpanned.

"I thought I remember reading somewhere you were Lunar," the woman continued with a thoughtful frown. 

Cress felt Carswell tense beside her. "Um, yeah."

"She's been creating an entire new security system for Emperor Kai," Carswell said. "Lunar software is so much more advanced then what we have here."

Cress stifled a smile, knowing that wasn't entirely true.

"Ah. How... interesting. So you work then?"

"Only when I'm bored."

In her peripherals, Cress saw Carswell smirk. He downed the rest of his drink and then set the glass on the coffee table. 

Not many people, his parents included, spoke to them for the rest of the evening. Which was a welcome surprise as it gave Cress the chance to sit back and listen to the chatter of conversation around her and just enjoy it. She'd never been in a house anywhere close to this grand and she wanted to pretend, just for a moment, she was a rich, posh girl attending a fancy Christmas party.

Finally, sometime after midnight, one of the families announced they were leaving which seemed to cause a ripple effect. All of a sudden everyone was standing up and being given their coats and saying goodbyes.

Cress barely managed to get through the rest of the ordeal with her eyes open. By the time she and Carswell went back to their room she all but collapsed onto the bed.

"Hey don't do that or you'll fall asleep," Carswell said as he dropped down beside her.

"I know," Cress sighed. She forced herself up and went through the motions of changing out of her dress. She didn't even bother to put on her pajamas, crawling beneath the sheets in just her undergarments. She was asleep in a matter of minutes and didn't wake up again until pale light was streaming in through the window.

"Last night wasn't to dreadful," she said when Carswell slid an arm around her waist.

"Not terribly." Carswell kissed her shoulder. "But it's over. And we get to go see the rest of the Rampion Crew."

Cress grinned, perking up. "I know, I can't wait!" She craned her neck to glance at the clock on the nightstand. "Oh aces it's almost eight."

"I know. Oddly enough, I'm hungry."

"I was just thinking the same thing," Cress added with a laugh. She turned over, snacking her arms around him and snuggling against his chest. He was so warm.

"Do you not have any clothes on?"

"No, I was to tired last night--aces your hands are cold!" she gasped, squirming when he splayed his fingers on her back.

Carswell laughed. "I know and you're not."

Cress shoved him but he only held on tighter. She had just thought to tell him not to tickle her when all coherent thoughts vanished from her mind as his fingers dug into her sides. She desperately tried not to shriek with laughter, burying her face in the pillow and trying to escape.

Carswell stopped, though by that point he was laughing pretty hard himself. "I love you're laugh!"

Cress shot up, darting across the room before he had the chance to start tickling her again. She tried not to smile but found it difficult, especially when Carswell was grinning.

"Come back here, it's warm."

Cress scoffed. "I know and you drove me away. Hope you're proud of yourself."

"Oh I am," Carswell smirked, sweeping her up and down with his eyes. "I won't tickle you," he added.

"A likely story."

"I promise. Now come back before the sheets get cold again."

It was the sheer desire to be warm again that pushed Cress to get back in bed. Though it took her a minute to relax again, she soon settled back down and almost fell asleep again. Only the promise of a hot breakfast forced her to get back up and quickly dress.

While Carswell was in the bathroom, Cress did her best to set the room to rights. Neither of them had taken their clothes out of the suitcase and she suspected a maid would come in and actually clean the room but she couldn't leave without at least making the bed.

"One more meal, one more meal," Carswell was muttering when he came out, freshly showered and changed.

Cress hid a smile. As much as she hated how much he hated being around his parents, she did secretly love how protective he became of her. Not that he was ever not protective, but he got exceptionally protective and she just loved it.

His mother was already sitting at the breakfast table when they walked down.

"Good morning sweetheart, your father said to tell you goodbye but he had to leave early this morning," she said without looking up from her port screen.

Cress frowned.

"Well tell him I said bye too," Carswell said, evidently unbothered.

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