Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four

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The sky was just starting to lighten when Cress blinked her eyes open. It took her all of two seconds to remember where she was and when she did, she smiled to herself.

Carswell was asleep on the chair opposite her, and though it didn't look comfortable he appeared to be knocked out. Right beside her, baby Nova was sleeping in her cradle.

Cress's smile warmed and she pushed herself up on her elbow, reaching in and stroking her soft cheek. She was so little! But so perfect, and Cress could already see Carswell in her.

She'd just worked up the courage to reach in and pick her up when one of the nurses came in.

"Hey, how are we doing?" she asked.

Carswell startled awake.

"Good. Can I hold her?" Cress asked.

"Yeah, of course. Lemme check her first real quick?"

Reluctantly, Cress nodded. She watched the nurse pick Nova up and unwrap her from her blanket, eliciting a cry of protest that android Cress's smile vanish.

It was only a matter of minute before the nurse set Nova down on Cress and she started to quiet down.

"I've submitted your discharge papers, but you guys have until 2 this afternoon if you want to stay. It's up to you," the nurse said as she typed something into the computer.

Carswell nodded.

"I'll also need to see her car seat and make sure you can strap her in."

Carswell nodded again, standing up and grabbing the car seat on the windowsill. He'd been practicing with a pillow for the past 2 months.

"You wanna hang around for another few hours?" he asked after the nurse left.

Cress shook her head, still looking at Nova. "I'm ready to go home."

Carswell breathed a sigh of visibly relief, almost laughing. "Oh good, me too."

While Cress took a shower and changed into the sweats she'd brought, Carswell strapped Nova into her car seat and loaded the car with their bags. He was just coming back into their room as Cress was running her fingers through her damp hair. She'd been figuring to be down for at least a week, but it felt good to stand and stretch a bit.

"Be careful, okay? Don't overexert yourself," Carswell said, stooping for Nova's carrier and carefully picking it up.

Cress smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I will, thank you." She had to stifle another smile, watching him carry Nova as if she were made of glass and would shatter at just the wrong touch.

Still, she was rather impressed he got her car seat strapped into the car in only one try. And though the drive home felt long, it was worth it when they walked into the comfort of home.

A "Welcome home baby Nova" banner had been strung up across the window, no doubt Scarlet and Wolf's work before they left.

"That's so cute!" Cress grinned.

"Scarlet left me a comm saying she stocked up on our food, too."

"Aces she did a lot in only a few hours."

Carswell set there things down in the entry way, and then put Nova in the living room before getting a fire started. Cress started to unpack their clothes and get a load of laundry going but Carswell insisted she sit down and relax for the rest of the day.

"I'll get some food going—are you hungry?" he asked, starting into the kitchen.

"Starving." Cress scooted Nova's carrier closer, gazing at her and smiling. She still couldn't believe they actually had a baby. Being careful, she unbuckled Nova and lifted her out, holding her against her chest and relishing in the moment.

Carswell joined her shortly and they alternated holding her and eating.

Cress enjoyed watching him hold Nova almost more than she liked holding her herself.

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