Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

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Cress, sitting on the ground with her spreading of tablets around her, cast a glance across the room. Iko had given her some good suggestions for the nursery—now she just needed to go over the ideas and pick which ones she actually wanted.

With a sigh, she pushed herself up and went to the kitchen for a snack. The house was oddly quiet. Carswell had taken everyone to the arcade and as much fun as she usually had there, Cress couldn't stand the idea of being in a loud, chaotic environment at the moment. She opted to stay home and get some stuff done instead.

Someone knocked on the door and Cress tensed. None of the tigers would have knocked and Carswell had a key. Unless maybe he forgot it.

Standing up, grabbing a frying pan from the stove just in case, Cress crept into the entry way. She was just barely tall enough to see through to the peep hole but she slipped and stumbled against the door before she saw who it was.

"Hello?" a deep voice asked through the door.

Cress frowned. "Carswell?"

"Close, but no."

Cress stretched up again, her jaw hitting the floor at seeing Carswell's father standing there! She instinctively ducked back down, remembering to late he always knew someone was home.

"Um, he's not here right now."

"I came to talk to you."

Cress's frown deepened. She drew a steadying breath and pulled the door open.

Kingsley Thorne's gaze dropped to the pan still in her hand.

"I was cooking."

"I figured. May I come in?"

Cress forced a nod, standing aside as he strode past her. She felt the urge to shy away as he cast a glance around but remembered this was their house—not his.

"Carswell isn't here?"

Cress shook her head.

"But you two are still together I take it." Kingsley's eyes dropped to her stomach, but he didn't seem surprised.


He nodded once, thrusting a hand into his pocket and handing her a bank note—an actual, paper note.

Cress lightly frowned, a rock dripping in her stomach at seeing the massive number staring up at her. "Please tell me this isn't what I think it is."

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous."

Cress blinked. "Then I don't understand."

"My differences with you and Carswell aside, he is my son and I have always wanted the best for him. This will be my first grandchild. Carswell's never taken to something very long—stars only knows how long this latest venture of his will last—but I want to make sure he or she," he added, nodding to her stomach, "is taken care of."

Cress could only stare back at him, waiting for the "on one condition" to drop—leave Carswell or give the baby away or something horrible.

"I've taken the liberty of setting up a trust for him or her, both you and Carswell will have access to it and can add anything you like. I assumed Carswell would want there to be a lock on it, so it's set up the same as his. No one, myself included, can touch what's inside until he or she is twenty-five."

"Then... what's this for?" Cress asked, holding the check up.

"For you. Any medical needs, expected or unexpected, you or the child might need. I understand it's quite expensive to raise a child and didn't think you or Carswell would come to us for any help you might need, hence the high number."

Again, Cress could only stand there mutely. She looked down at the figure again—2.5 million univs.

"I wish all three of you the best." Kingsley turned and opened the door.

"'Thank you' doesn't seem like enough to say," Cress murmured.

"No need to thank me." Kingsley dipped his head in a nod and then slipped through the door.

"You know, you really should give Carswell more credit than you to."

Kingsley paused. Arched his eyebrows.

"You still see him as a 13-year-old kid who's selfish and foolish and moves from one thing to another without considering anything or anyone else. But he's grown so much in just the short time I've known him."

"All due respect, you have to see the best in him—you're sleeping with him."

"No Im sleeping with him because I married him, and I married him because I saw the best in him. You just refuse to see it. does he still have more room to grow? Of course; we all do. But that doesn't negate how far he's come."

Kingsley stared at her for so long she started to grow nervous she'd gone to far. Then he dipped his head in a single nod and disappeared down the drive.

Alone, Cress heaved a sigh. She sagged against the door, the paper in her hands turning to led. She wanted to put it somewhere safe, at least until Carswell got home. Nowhere seemed safe enough so she tucked it beneath a vase on the

The door flung open a minute later and Scarlet and Wolf both walked in, Wolf carrying a paper takeout bag.

"Who was that?" Scarlet jerked a thumb toward the door.


"Droving a Rolls Royce?"

Cress shrugged.

"I'm in the wrong business." Scarlet shook her head.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Cinder net Thorne she'd beat him in some
game and he lost so now he's on a scavenger hunt or he doesn't get dinner."

Cress stifled a groan.

"Why, what's up?"

"Nothing. I just wanted his opinion on something." Cress forced a smile, starting upstairs. She paced in their room for almost a half hour before her stomach rumbled. She should figure out dinner.

so sorry it's been forever since i've updated!!!!

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