Chapter Forty One

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Cress managed to drag everyone into another game for the rest of the morning and into the early afternoon. Scarlet disappeared at some point, and every few minutes Winter, Cinder, or Cress would get up and see if she needed any help.

For the most part everything was finished and just needed to cook or bake. By the time 3 o'clock rolled around, the entire house smelled like turkey, brown sugar and maple, fresh bread, and everything in between.

Everyone filed around the table, pulling chairs out as Scarlet tried to reign in the excitement and shout out instructions as to what dish was paired with what and what sauce and gravy went where.

"If I could have everyone's attention, for just a quick moment," Kai said, standing and picking up his glass of sparkling cider.

Cress paused with her arm reached towards the rolls.

"I'll keep this short, but I just wanted to take a moment to say how grateful I am to have a table-full of friends. It seems like a lifetime ago that everything seemed very... dreary. Not quite hopeless, but not good."

Cress smiled, nodding along in agreement. She felt for Carswell's hand beneath the table.

"So here's to being thankful." Kai raised his glass and everyone followed, echoing back a cheerful "to being thankful!"

Cress had just set down her drink when Kai took his seat again and flippantly added, "Oh, and by the way, Cinder and I are engaged."

Cress startled.

So did everyone else around the table; everyone frozen as the shock of his announcement, made so casually, sank in. Cheers erupted and everyone spoke at once, asking if he was serious, asking Cinder if he was serious, someone shouting that it wasn't funny to joke about something like that.

Until Cinder flashed her metal hand, a ring nestled on her fourth finger.

Then everyone started laughing and congratulating and hugging. Winter started crying, hugging Cinder first and then Kai.

Carswell stood up and hugged her to, saying something that made her laugh before she shoved him away. He and Kai shook hands.

Cress wanted to hug Cinder too, but she wasn't sure if they were close enough for that. Pushing aside her personal discomfort, she moved to stand behind Carswell and when he moved side she smiled shyly at Cinder, murmuring her congratulations.

Cinder grinned, moving in to hug her. Cress felt her own spirits lift and the grin came easily to her face.

"Okay, okay—food's getting cold and I worked all week to get this day right so sit down and eat!" Scarlet finally shouted, a grin on her face.

Everyone settled back into their seats as dishes were passed around.

"Do we need instructions on anything?" Scarlet asked, still standing as she dished everyone slices of turkey.

"No thanks mom, we got it." Carswell said, waving his plate at Cinder who had the mashed potatoes in front of her.

"Did you just call Scarlet mom?"


"I heard you."

"So did I," Cress added. 

"Well if I'm your mom then you're grounded for the rest of eternity. Go upstairs so we can enjoy our holiday."

Carswell laughed. "You are not my mom. If anything you're the annoying older brother I never wanted."

"Hey, that's your mother you're talking to. Show some respect." Cinder jabbed a finger in his direction, slapping a spoon of potatoes on his plate.

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