Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One

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Cress tied the narrow braid going across her forehead and down her temple off with a hair tie. She'd been enjoying the way the salty air gave her waves some added definition but it kept falling in her face so an easy braid seemed like a good idea. Which was important for today's adventure--Carswell was taking her to the "gadget" store for her to pick out a new tablet and she wanted to be able to check them all out and make the best decision.

"Aces what in the world is taking you so long?" Carswell asked, rounding the corner into their room.

"I kept starting over with my hair, sorry," said Cress with a giggle. She stood up, grabbing her slip on shoes and excitedly following after him.

"Yeah you better be." Carswell smirked. "You wanna call a hover or walk?"


Carswell nodded, taking her hand. It was beautiful outside and though the walk was almost twenty minutes, it felt good. Cress started to get jittery with excitement and she kept reviewing in her mind the selling points she would wand. She knew she'd need a tablet with a strong processor, one that could support all the programs she'd use (starting in September she was going to be doing more intense security work for Kai at the palace), it also needed to be small and thin enough to be portable. And it would help if she could find it in a pretty color.

"Whatcha thinking about all quiet?"

Cress grinned. "What kind of tablet I want to get. I wish they made one that was just like an all in one."

Carswell shrugged. "Maybe they will."

"Yeah. But if not, I'm thinking through my priorities." Cress grew silent again though she almost squealed when they neared the plaza.

"Okay, here's the deal." Carswell touched a hand to her arm, stopping her just outside.

"I'll be as quick as I can, I promise," Cress said with a laugh.

"No, no, no, that's not it. I did some basic research on tablets and pads and stuff to see how expensive they are and granted I have no idea what to look for or anything, but I was able to create a rough estimate and," he shook his head, laughing. He lowered his voice. "I've got 5 thousand univs for you to pick out whatever kind of tablet or computer and stylus's and cases--whatever you want."

Cress blinked. Let out something close to a laugh. "What? I could get like... four or five tablets for that. Or two tablets and a computer."

"I know." He shrugged, smiling almost mischievously. "I don't want you to have to chose between two really good tablets. So, figure out what you need and want and go nuts."

Cress slammed her hands over her mouth, trying to stifle the onslaught of squeals. "Really?! Like for reals?"

"Yes for reals. And I know I've just sentenced myself to hours and hours of waiting, but take your time and get what you want."

Cress couldn't settle her mind enough to think of actual words so she ended up throwing her arms around him in a hug. He laughed, hugging her back and then holding the door for her and gesturing dramatically for her to walk in.

Cress all to willingly obliged. She stared at the entirety of the store for half a second, taking everything in. New ports, and tablets, and screens, and computer, and netscreens were propped up on different tables, each one promising better performance than the last.

"Can I just follow you around and keep my arm around you or my hand on your shoulder so everyone knows the cute, sexy blonde is with me?"

Cress, grinning, nodded. Carswell snuck an arm around as as one of the sales reps approached her, giving her a basic tour of each of the tablets when she said that's what she was looking for. There was one tablet that was clearly the best one--basically an entire computer in tablet form, which was perfect--but there was also a smaller one that she thought would be nice to take places and put some digital planners on it. The two of those combined only added up to about two and a half grand, so she added two stylus pens to the mix and cases for each of the tablets. A third tablet caught her attention but it was basically the same as the first one she'd picked out.

"I can't decide if I should get this second one or just another computer," she murmured.

"What would you use this one for versus the first one?" Carswell asked.

"The same things. I'd just have two. Or I could get another computer and link this one and the one I already have so I could so more stuff on it at the same time."

"Seems like you have your answer."

Cress nodded.

"So which computer?" Carswell took a step aside, gesturing to the table in the far back with all kinds of computers lined up on it.

Cress grinned, giddy. She walked down the isle of tables, Carswell's hand on her waist. Much to her surprise, picking out a computer was the easier part. She knew it was compatible with the one she had at home, which would save her some time jail breaking the new one.

"What color are you thinking?"

Cress shifted her lips to the side. "Well that's the dilemma. I can't decide if I should get everything in this pretty blue color, or get it in the standard dark grey and then I can customize them myself with cases and stickers and stuff."

"Seems like both options are equally good ideas."

Cress groaned. "That's not helpful!" she said with a laugh. "You're supposed to tell me which way to go."

"Well I don't want you to get a color you don't like. Do you like the grey ones?"

Cress shrugged. "Yeah, they're okay. I told the sales guy I wanted both the tablets in grey already, but I can change my mind."

"Will you see the blue if you put a case on it?"

"If i lit a clear one on, which I would so I could see the color."

"Then get the blue and maybe two cases. That way you can see the blue when you feel like it and decorate the other case with stickers."

"Yeah, that's true. Okay I'll get the blue on." She grinned, patting the top of the computer screen and glancing around for someone.

Fifteen minutes later, Cress was slinging a bag with her two tablets and accessories through her arm. Carswell carried the one with the computer since it was massive. They took a hover back home since everything was so heavy. Plus, Cress was eager to get her new devices all set up.

"You get started, I'll figure out something for lunch. Otherwise, knowing you, you'll forget to eat."

Cress laughed, sinking down at the coffee table in the living room and unloading all the beautifully packaged boxes. Carswell set her computer box down on the ground beneath the window so it wouldn't get accidentally kicked over. She'd set it up after she was finished with her tablets.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now