Chapter Sixty-Six

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Right after the pirates ride, Cress wanted to try SpaceMountain again so they wove their way through the park, stopping along the way for a soft pretzel and ice cream and a few more selfies.

Night came way to quickly and instead of trying to weave through the already crowded Main Street, Thorne suggested they have a formal dinner tomorrow night and head back to their hotel to watch the fireworks from there.

It was chilly on the terrace, so Thorne brought out a few blankets and they snuggled on one of the outdoor chairs to watch the show.

"They're so pretty." Cress sighed.

Thorne nodded.

Once the show was over, they moved back inside and Thorne picked up the room service menu.

"I'm hungry." He said, scanning over the options.

Cress walked up to him and wrapped both her arms around his, kissing his shoulder.

Thorne ducked his head to kiss her.

"Aces, I feel like I haven't kissed you all day."

"We kissed on the pirate ride."

"Yeah, but we never got to finish." Cress stepped back and he thought she was trying to pull away, but she didn't let go of him. Only when she hit the edge of bed did he break into a knowing smile.

"Who knew you would be such a little devil?" Thorne smirked, keeping his arm around her and sinking back until they were both smashed on the blankets.

"Devil?" Cress repeated, arching up to kiss him. She played with the buttons on his shirt until it gaped open. Her hands slid up his shoulders and pushed it the rest of the way off.

"In a good way." Thorne added, sinking farther down on her. He laced his fingers through hers and he felt her legs wrap around his waist.

*         *         *

The rest of their Disneyland trip sped by way to quickly, though much to Thorne's delight Cress seemed to come out of her shell a little more when it came to the more intense rides. She even did SplashMountain, though afterwards said it was her least favorite.

Thorne made sure she had an array of souvenirs—2 pairs of Mickey ears, the buttons from their first day, a sweatshirt, and a stainless steel water bottle.

"Did you hide my shirts again?" Thorne called, poking his head in the bathroom door as they were getting ready to leave.

"No." Cress laughed. "But if you can't find them I won't complain."

"I'm not going shirtless to the airport." He retorted, ducking back out and digging through his suitcase again. He found a shirt and finished getting dressed just as Cress was getting out of the shower. She had a towel wrapped beneath her arms. "What are you looking for?"

"My dress."

"Which one?"

"The long sleeve one."

"You put one on the balcony to get the wrinkles out."

"Oh, that's right." Cress stepped outside and grabbed her dress, shaking it out and smiling excitedly. "I can't wait to go on another airplane."

"And just think, this time we're going to our very own apartment." Thorne added, snaking his arms around her before she disappeared back inside the bathroom. He ducked his head to kiss the side of her neck.

Cress grinned. She turned around so she could face him. "I know! And I can't wait to show you what furniture we picked out."

"I can't wait to see." Thorne kissed the end of her nose, lightly smacking the back of her leg. "Hurry up and get dressed, we gotta go."

Cress darted back into the bathroom and came back out a few minutes later dressed and ready to go. She slung her backpack over one shoulder and draped her sweatshirt over her other arm.

Thorne grabbed both their suitcases and they started down towards the lobby. He was tempted for a hot second to ask Cress for his hand back so he could manage the luggage easier but caught himself and instead slung one of the bags across his shoulders. They had decided to skip breakfast at the hotel so by the time they got through security and had found their gate, Thorne was starving.

"Not McDonalds." He added.

Cress giggled. "I'm fine with whatever. We could get a bunch of snacks."

"Yeah, that could work." Thorne shrugged. "I kinda feel like an actual meal, though. We've been living on snacks for the past two days."

Cress laughed a little harder. Aside from the Monte Crisco sandwich for dinner their second night, they had pretty much eaten soft pretzels, ice cream, churros, and other small snacks they could find in between rides.

After walking around the airports food court to see what their options were, Cress suggested getting a few sandwiches. That way they could eat one now and save some for later, she reasoned.

Thorne could offer no better suggestions so they grabbed a few sandwiches and returned to their gate just as their plane began to board. As he and Cress settled into their comfy seats, Cress curled her legs beneath her and wrapped both her arms around Thorne's.

"Excited to be going home?" Thorne asked, whispering as a smile lit his face. Aces, he never thought he'd have a home. Or a wife. His smiled warmed and he kissed Cress's hair.

She nodded. "Very. It'll be weird just like... living. You know?"

Thorne nodded. "Yeah it will."

Cress paused. She turned to look up at him, her blue eyes sparkling. "I can't wait to like, actually start decorating. Our room, the living room, the kitchen... it's gonna be so cute! Winter and Iko were helping me look at ideas and I've got a few, but I want to show you first and make sure you like them."

"I'm sure I'll love them. You have yet to show me something I didn't like."

Cress grinned again. "And your birthday is coming up, we'll have to figure out what to do for that."

"I like that idea." Thorne said.

They had to stop talking as one of the flight attendants came around and started checking to make sure everyone was strapped in while another came them the safety instructions.

"You look tired." Cress murmured, trailing her fingers along his jaw.

"Non stop fun will wear you out." Thorne replied as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

Cress rested her head back on his shoulder as the plane taxied out to the runway and started to pick up speed.

Thorne opened his eyes to peer out the window, somewhat sad to be leaving California. He had a feeling Cress would want to come back on vacations so he knew it wouldn't be very long before they were back.

"So can I see any of these inspirations pictures?" He asked before he fell asleep. When Cress didn't answer, he lifted his head to look at her. She was asleep. "Hey, I'm talking to you."

"Sorry, what'd you say?"

"If I can see the pictures you've been looking at."

Cress nodded, fumbling in her backpack for her port and pulling up the pictures she had saved to use as inspiration.

Thorne nodded along as she showed him, impressed. Most of the styles were simple and he was again worried she was thinking frugally but then she'd say something about how she appreciate how simple or clean it was and he relaxed.

"And look how pretty this mixer is!" She added, showing him a lemon yellow mixer. "Aces I can't wait to make cookies in my very own kitchen!"

"You've made cookies on the Rampion before."

"I know, but it's different. Besides, the Rampion is more your baby than mine. This is... ours."

Thorne smiled.

Cress put her port away and snuggled back against him. She fell asleep after only a few minutes and Thorne was right behind her.

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