Chapter Sixteen

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Thorne played with Cress's hair, twirling it around his fingers. It had grown out in the months they had been working and fell just past her shoulders. Soft and thick, her pale waves danced through his fingers.

In her sleep, Cress moaned; turning onto her other side and resting head against his shoulder. He kissed her forehead, glancing out the window at the lightening sky.

"Why don't I ever wake up before you?" Cress asked, blinking her deep blue eyes open.

Thorne smirked, shrugging. "Good question. I'll try and sleep extra late tomorrow morning."

"Cool thanks."

Thorne kissed her forehead again before slipping out from the blankets, adding he'd let her get dressed and meet her downstairs for breakfast. Moving into the corridor, he leaned back against her door and ran a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?"

Thorne snapped his head up to see Cinder walking towards him. "Nothing, I... just woke up."

"You just woke up outside Cress's room?"

Thorne levelled a glare at her. "It's not like that. She's been having nightmares."

"Ah, and the only cure is night time snuggles from Captain Thorne?" 

"Aw Cinder you should have told me you're jealous, I'll snuggle with you too!" He hooked an arm around her neck.

"Ugh, get off." She pushed him away.

With another laugh, he continued towards his room. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and got dressed before heading to the dinning room.

Kai and Wolf were talking and just as he moved in their direction, the door creaked open and Cress stepped inside. She was wearing the red flower dress from Australia and her black sneakers.

"Cress!" Winter called, waving her over.

Cress flashed Thorne an excited smile as she crossed the room and took a seat with Winter, Scarlet, Cinder, and Iko. While she was occupied, he sat down in the circle with Kai and Wolf and Jacin.

Jacin stood up and went to get some breakfast.

Thorne glanced at Cress, sitting with the girls. She wasn't talking, but there was a smile on her face and she looked invested in the conversation. She was comfortable. When she stood up to get some more breakfast, he followed her to the buffet.

"I think the cinnamon rolls are my favorite." She murmured, loading one onto her plate.

"Yeah, they're pretty good." He agreed. "So what's on the agenda for the rest of the week?" He asked, turning towards the crew.

Kai shrugged. "You're the tourists, what do you want to do?"

"Go shopping!" Iko said.

Cinder rolled her eyes. "You always want to go shopping."

"Got any better ideas?"

Winter's hand shot up.

"Ooh, the pretty girl in the back." Thorne pointed his fork at Winter, who grinned.

"I vote we see the Summer Palace. We could take a boat onto the lake. Kunming Lake, right?"

Kai nodded. "It's beautiful this time of year."

"Sounds good to me." Scarlet added.

Cress nodded her agreement, grinning from ear to ear.

"As long as I'm not in the same boat as Thorne. Something tells me he'll rock the boat—literally."

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