Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six

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"You sure you don't want wanna bring all your stuff and just stay in the house?" Scarlet asked when Thorne, holding Nova, stood up. The sun had set, it was still raining, and almost everyone was about to pass out from fullness. Iko had insisted on making dinner and wouldn't stop refilling plates until there was nothing left.

Thorne shook his head. "No, she gets really loud when she's hungry."

"Well if you change your mind so you're not always back and forth, you can take the bedroom behind the stairs. It's a little farther away from the rest," Scarlet added with a shrug.

Cress shot her a smile. "Thanks. We'll at least stay in the Rampion tonight and see. If she's quiet enough, maybe we'll risk it."

"Sounds good."

Thorne managed to pry Nova from Wolf while Cress shouldered her bag and said goodnight to everyone.

"Here, you take her actually so I can hold the umbrella," Thorne said, taking the bag from her and then passing Nova over.

Cress tightened a blanket around Nova and she and Thorne half walked, half jogged back to the Rampion and managed to get only a little wet.

"Ooh, it's warm in here!" Cress said, smiling.

"Yeah, I left the heater on so we wouldn't freeze in our sleep." Thorne shrugged out of his worn leather jacket and then kicked off his boots.

"Oh thanks. Good thinking. Cress shifted Nova, walking into the crew-cabin-turned-baby's-room. While waiting for her, Thorne changed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth. Cress still hadn't come to their room by the time he finished so he crept down the hall. She was standing in front of the crib, holding Nova.

Thorne smiled to himself. He snuck up behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder, kissing the side of her head. "You gonna sleep in here all night?"

"Maybe." Cress smirked. She kissed Nova's forehead and then set her down in her crib, wrapping her up in the swaddle blanket. Nova's mouth opened in a big yawn and then she sneezed.

"She's so perfect," Thorne said with a sigh, one of his arms wrapping around her waist.

Cress nodded her agreement. She leaned into him and smiled.

"Come on, let's get some decent sleep while we have the chance."

Cress almost laughed, letting Thorne tug her away and to their room. Cress quickly changed into one of his former t-shirts she'd stolen to sleep in and then climbed into bed.

Thorne set his portwatch to wake him up early, figuring he'd try and get a workout in before the day's festivities started. Beside him, Cress reached for her tablet.

"I got you something," Thorne said, scooting down in bed.

Cress's head snapped to the side and she grinned. "What is it?"

"I'll give it to you tomorrow." He stuffed one of the pillows beneath his head, shooting Cress a mischievous grin and then turning onto his side so his back to toward her.

"What--? You can't just tell me you got me something and then go to sleep. Hey!"

Thorne laughed when a pillow whacked him in the head. He grabbed it from her, taking her wrist and kissing her hand.

"I'll look for it."

"You won't find it."


The bed moved and Thorne glanced over his shoulder, rolling his eyes at seeing Cress getting back out of bed and starting to dig through her nightstand.

"You're not gonna find it."

"Carswell! Come on! You always get me really good presents so now I'm not going to be able to sleep."

"You'll have something to look forward to."

Cress groaned, glaring at him. "Alright, fine. I guess you did get me a present, the least I can do is wait. Even though it was cruel and inhumane to tell me!"

Thorne smirked. "You're cute when your irritated." He cocked his head to the side, reaching for her hand and pulling her back toward him. As hard as she tried to fight her mock-frown, a spread onto her face. She climbed back into bed, draping herself on top of him at the same time he cupped a hand on the back of her neck and kissed her.

"I'm gonna do some stuff on my port for a while, but you can turn the light off if you're tired," she said, kissing him again. His hands dropped to her waist and he then tightened his arms around her before letting her go.

Cress kissed him one more time before sliding to her side and grabbing her port again.

Thorne wasn't especially tired so he turned on one of the net shows he and Cress had been watching, burrowing beneath the blankets. "What are you working on?"

"I am simultaneously trying to finish this last homework assignment and then go over the network security blueprint Kai's head of security sent over."

Thorne nodded. His eyes started to droop when she started running her fingers through his hair, almost in a subconscious way. "Gotta get it trimmed."

"No! No, it's literally perfect."

"I gotta clean it up a little, it's bordering on homeless."

Cress laughed. "Okay, fair enough." She set her port down and wiggled down beside him. "I mean, you look amazing no matter what hair you have. I just happen to be partial to how it is right now."

Thorne winked at her. "You wanna come? We can make it into an outing." He shrugged. "See if anyone else wants to go?"

"Yeah, that'll be fun."

Thorne kissed her temple, turning off the netscreen on the wall.

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