Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

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Much to Thorne's surprise, the entire Rampion Crew said they'd be able to fly out to California at the beginning of May. He and Cress had been to their beach house once before just to check it out, but they'd never been inside and he was more than a little curious to see it in all its glory.

When the time came to leave, Cress spent most of the morning catching up on some much needed rest. She hadn't been feeling well the past few days; what with them leaving she'd been busy packing and getting ready to go.

"You sure you don't want to wait and leave tomorrow?" Thorne asked, lightly rubbing her arm and glancing at the clock.

Cress shook her head. "Nah. But if it's okay I'll probably just sleep on the way there."

"Absolutely." Thorne kissed her forehead. "Want anything to eat?"

"No I'm good." She flashed him a smile as she stood up, stifling a yawn. He wrapped her in a hug, keeping one arm around her shoulders as they started down the stairs. He wasn't sure if it was because she was pregnant or not feeling well, but he loved how much she'd been hanging onto him lately.

Once they were on board the Rampion, Thorne made sure Cress had some water and a few granola bars on the nightstand in their room before retreating to the cockpit. Though he missed having her with him, he was glad she was getting to catch up on some sleep. He thought to set the ship on auto-pilot, but decided to fly manually.

The flight was short, just under three hours, and Thorne had just started the descent process when Cress came into the cockpit.

"You look like you're feeling better."

"I am," she grinned, starting toward him and sitting on his lap.

"Hey, we're getting ready to land," he said, trying to fight a smile.

"Then land safely." She made no move to get up, nestling against him and leaning her head on his shoulder.

Thorne smiled to himself, snaking an arm around her.

"I forgot how big it was," she said as the house came into view.

"I know."

"There's five rooms? Or four?"

"I think five. Two masters and three, uh... not masters. We get first pick, obviously, and the rest is first come first serve?"

Cress shrugged. "That works."

As soon as they landed, Cress eagerly started down to the cargo bay.

"Don't worry, babe, I got all the suitcases," Thorne deadpanned as he grabbed all their bags and trailed after her.

"Oh like you wouldn't have insisted to carry it all anyway." Cress rolled her eyes, still grinning as she punched in the code and the ramp started to descend.

Thorne smirked. "Yeah, okay."

Cress darted forward, starting up the winding path toward the front of the house. She paused, looking up and grinning. "Aces it's so beautiful!"

"Stunning. Get the front door, will you?"

Cress nodded.

As soon as he was inside, Thorne dumped all their things in the foyer, feigning an aching back. "Aces and spades how much stuff did you bring?"

"We're gonna be here all summer, I brought a lot. Come on let's go look at the rooms! Ooh wait I wanna see the view first."

"Lead the way."

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