Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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"I say that was a pretty successful Christmas," Cress said as they settled in their seats.

Thorne scoffed, breathing a full lungful of air for the first time since they'd arrived at his parents house. "Okay, I'll take your word for it."

Cress nudged him and he couldn't help smiling.

"Let's blow off the rest of the crew."

Cress lightly frowned. "What?"

"Yeah, let's just go home. Or go to California or something," Thorne said, grinning.

"But our plane is heading for Canada," Cress said, nodding to the plane's window.

"So let's take a different plane." 

"We're on the plane."

Thorne rolled his eyes, almost laughing. He stood up, grabbing their bags with one arm and her hand with the other.

Cress nervously laughed, though she offered no protest as he pulled her down the isle.

"Sir?" one of the flight attendants asked.

"Sorry, we changed out minds," Thorne said with a laugh.

"So where are we going?"

Thorne slowed so he could wrap his arm around her. "Let's find a destination board and see what flights are available."

Cress almost giggled. "I've always wanted to run through an airport, rushing to get to the right gate or stop someone from leaving."

"No one ever stopped you from leaving?"

"Oh of course. The only problem was that no one has my computer skills so it would be impossible to find which flight I was on unless he already knew."

"Ah, I see the logic," Thorne smirked.

"So where are we going?"

Thorne thought for a second, surveying their options. He was about to suggest they go somewhere they'd never been before before realizing they'd literally been everywhere. Plus, he thought to himself, he still had a surprise "Christmas" gift he hadn't told her about. "Let's go home first, and at least get the Rampion. Then we can go anywhere we want."

Cress grinned. "I like that idea."

Thorne found them a flight and actually managed to get it at no charge since they didn't take the flight they actually booked. Though the next flight was another hour away so he suggested they get something to eat.

"Something cheap and delicious that my parents would disapprove of."

"Works for me," Cress said with a grin.

They got McDonald's and then crossed to the other end of the airport to wait for their plane. Much to Thorne's surprise, Cress asked if he wanted to play Royals and though she was still far from being even semi-decent she was his favorite person to play with. And once or twice he threw the game just so she wouldn't get board.

Cress arched her back in a stretch, stifling a yawn.

"Alright, let's take a break," Thorne said tossing his cards on the pile and then gathering them all up.

Cress heaved a tired sigh, smiling as she scooted closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Thorne adjusted how he was sitting so she was more comfortable, slinging an arm around her and holding her tighter. It felt like no time passed before their flight was announced and they were both sitting once again on a plane, this time headed for home.

It was raining when they got in, no surprise there, and their apartment was somehow better than Thorne remember. Warmer, cozier, happier.

"I like our small little apartment," Cress said with a grin.

"Me too. Come on, dump all that stuff off and let's order dinner--I'm starving."

"You pick, I'm gonna unpack everything," Cress replied as she took his bag and suitcase and hauled them both up the stairs.

Thorne found a menu for Chinese take-out and ordered way to much, figuring they'd make good leftovers. He glanced up toward their room, watching Cress flutter around. At some point she paused, taking her hair out of its braid and shaking it free. Her hair, wavy from the braid, hung past her shoulders.

"When are you gonna do another episode?" she asked, glancing over at him.

"Next week." He tried to hide a grin, starting up the stairs. "Did I tell you that the management agency I signed with is looking at an actual studio?"

Cress stopped what she was doing, her eyes widening. "What? No! Where?"

"Close, obviously, but I haven't seen it yet."

"Can I see it when they pick one?"

Thorne rolled his eyes. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that all of the big decision things have to have your approval."

Cress grinned. "Cool." She straightened, loosing the smile and looking all to serious and crossing her arms over her chest. "So when do I need to approve it?"

"As soon as they pick it. Hopefully by tomorrow, because I need to get back on recording."

Cress broke out into another grin. She threw her arms around him and he kissed the side of her head, giving her a quick squeeze.

He nudged her waist, ducking his head to kiss her. "i think, correct me if I'm wrong, we were very rudely interrupted this morning," he murmured, snaking an arm around her waist.

Cress sighed. "I know." Her hands slid to his shoulders and up into his hair.

Still holding onto her so she didn't fall, Thorne sank down onto the bed. His heart started thudding harder against his ribs and he smoothed the hair away from her face. She was so soft. Her eyelashes tickled his skin as she kissed his cheeks, sending chills down his spine. He kissed her neck, gripping her waist. He kissed her again, almost groaning.

Cress slid her hand beneath his shirt, her hand warm against his bare skin. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He pulled away just long enough to pull his shirt over his head. He'd just started to kiss her again when the doorbell rang.

"Oh aces your parents followed us," Cress said, scrambling to get to her feet.

"No, it's just food--hey, where are you going?"

"To get it."

"I paid them already, they'll just leave it outside," Thorne said, grabbing her hand before she took off down the stairs.

"Someone else might take it, though."

Thorne dramatically groaned. "Okay fine, but come right back."

Cress, grinning, nodded. She disappeared down the stairs and Thorne heard the front door open and close. "Ooh you got the good stuff!"

"I know." Thorne stuffed one of the pillows beneath his head.

Cress came back up the stairs moments later, climbing on top of him and kissing him.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant