Chapter Eighty Nine

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When the Rampion touched down at their apartment's garage complex, Cress tried to insist she walk Carswell inside first so he could rest while she brought everything in but he was having no part of it and said he was fine to help unload. Thankfully they didn't bring a whole lot.

"Ah, just in time." Carswell grinned as the sky rumbled and rain started drizzling down.

Cress hurried towards the window, moving the curtains aside so she could see the rain. "I love this weather." She sighed.

Carswell moved beside her and squeezed her shoulders.

Cress smiled up at him and she could tell he was tired. Or maybe his ribs were hurting again.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." Carswell murmured with a faint smile. He kissed the side of her head.

"Okay. I'll be in a few minutes."


Cress watched him climb up the stairs and then disappear behind the small wall. Alone, she grabbed her bag of school books and started organizing them back on the bookshelf before moving into the kitchen and making a list of the groceries she needed to replenish. It was already late and she didn't feel like going out right away so she decided to wait until tomorrow.

Before turning in for the night, Cress put in a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen, then checked that the door was locked before heading upstairs and climbing into bed beside Carswell. She fell asleep right away and didn't wake until about 8 the next morning.

Turning onto her other side and feeling the space beside her empty, Cress lifted her head and lightly frowned. The shower was on so he must have been in there. Rain was still falling outside, droplets trickling down the glass window on the opposite wall as their bed.

Carswell came out of the bathroom a few moment later, wearing black sweats and a long sleeve shirt. He walked with a slight limp.

"How do you feel?" Cress asked, sitting up.

"Good. A little better, I think. You know." He shrugged, smiling good naturally.

Cress slid to the ground, walking around towards Carswell and lifting his shirt up. His ribs were still pretty badly bruised, but it did look much lighter. She carefully kissed them.

"All better now." Carswell smiled.

Cress grinned. "I'm gonna go make something to eat, what do you want?"

"I don't care. Whatever you're making for yourself." Carswell said, grimacing the smallest bit as he started down the stairs.

"Careful." Cress said as she awkwardly trailed after him. While he settled in the living room, Cress made up a box of pancakes and then pulled up her class schedule on her port.

"Do you want more painkillers?" She asked as she walked a plate of pancakes and sausage over to Carswell.

He shook his head. Shocking. "Thanks." He added, nodding to the plate in his hands.

"Yeah, you got it."

"Excite about school?"

Cress nodded. She sank down beside him, delving into her own breakfast. "Are you gonna be okay all by yourself?"

"For a few hours, two days a week?"

Cress laughed.

"I was actually thinking of starting a podcast."

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"I don't know. That's as far as I got."

"Well I'm sure whatever topic you pick, people will listen. Since you're a famous celebrity now."

Carswell smirked. "Cool. I'll start brainstorming. Got any suggestions?"

Cress shifted her lips to the side, thinking. "Not at the moment. If I think of any, I'll let you know."


"You could use the guest bedroom as like a recording studio!" Cress's eyes popped open.

"Oh that's a good idea."

"Oh! Or the Rampion! That would be cool! Although, I guess no one would know cause they can't see you."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Maybe I could do like a 'special' and have a video episode and do that on the Rampion."

"That's a better idea." Cress laughed.

After cleaning up breakfast, she spent the rest of the morning pouring over her textbooks and getting ahead of the first week's worth of reading. At some point Carswell got up and said he was going to clean out his closet.

Cress frowned to herself, but didn't say anything. He was probably getting board just sitting there not doing a whole lot. Still she wished he'd rest and let himself recover. Apparently that wasn't going to happen.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." She said instead, watching him from the corner of her eye.

"I will, thanks!"

Shifting her legs, Cress shoved her last textbook away and leaned her head back on the sofa. She grinned, stil trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she was going to school. How many times had she dreamed of going to school and making friends—even doing the "not fun" parts like homework and tests and studying. It all sounded so fun!

By the time dinner rolled around, Cress's stomach was in knots and she hardly ate a thing despite Carswell making an experimental spaghetti and meatballs dish that actually turned out really well.

"Why are you so nervous? I thought you were excited." Carswell said, reaching over and taking Cress's plate so he could finish it.

"I am excited. But a little nervous just because I've never been to any kind of school before and I'm not sure where to go and that kind of stuff."

"Do you want me to go with you? Walk you to class? Maybe grab some lunch afterwards?"

Cress chewed her lip. The idea of Carswell coming with her did give her a sense of relief, but despite his bravado she knew his ribs still hurt and she hated to make him walk around and wait for her all morning.

"What time's your first class?" Carswell asked with half a smile.



"You sure? I don't want—"

"Yes, I'm sure. It'll be fun. And then afterwards we'll go out to lunch and celebrate." He added with a grin.

Cress grinned right back. She carefully threw her arms around him and kissed him.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating as frequently, I've been working a lot more on my own stories! XD

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