Chapter Eighty-Three

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Cress tucked her legs beneath her as she sank onto her seat and peered through the viewshield. She fingered with the blunt ends of her hair, nerves fluttering in her stomach.

"You okay?"

Cress nodded.


She shrugged one shoulder. "Maybe. I don't know why, though."

Carswell offered her a sympathetic smile. He reached for her hand. "Don't be."

Cress managed a smile. "Thanks." She chewed her lip, her gaze drifting back out the window as the ship was guided through Artemisia's main port. "Can I have your jacket?"

"Yeah." Carswell reached behind him for his jacket draped over the back of his seat, and handed it to her.

Cress grinned to herself, pulling the sleeves over her arms and shoving them up her forearms so they didn't cover her hands. While waiting to get the all clear, Cress reached into the compartment on the side of her chair for a snack.

Carswell stood up, flipping some overhead switches. "Ooh, watcha got there?"

"Crackers, want some?"

"Yes please."

Cress reached for another bag and tossed them to him.

"Key, they're giving us the all clear." Carswell mumbled around a bite of peanut-butter cracker. He waved her forwards, taking her hand as they started down the cargo ramp.

Cress glanced around, looking at the ships, looking through the biodome at the stars beyond Luna. It had been over 10 years since she'd come here with Mistress Sybil under the belief she was getting to go to Earth. 10 years and she still remembered that feeling of excitement that was all to quickly squashed with stomach-rolling dread.

"You okay?" Carswell asked when Cress stalled.

Cress nodded. "Yeah." She started in through the palace entrance where she and Carswell were led, breathing a sigh of relief when they were shown into the dinning room.

Cinder, Kai, and a few Lunar soldiers (the human kind, not the wolf-hybrid) were gathered at the table.

Cinder glanced up, relief flicking across her face. "Thank the stars. Scarlet and Wolf should be here any minute."

"What happened?" Carswell asked, handing Cress his shoulder bag so he could walk around and see what they were all looking at.

"More attacks. They're going after the members of parliament." Cinder shook her head. "Just don't know why. They must be getting orders from someone, but all the known packs have been accounted for and no alphas are MIA."


Cress moved to the window, peering out at the city below. It seemed peaceful, but then again she wasn't sure where all the new Lunar officials were located. While Carswell, Kai, and Cinder all talked, Cress did her best to at least listen in on their conversation so she would know what was happening and wouldn't have to ask Carswell to re-explain it later on.

"Hopefully Wolf and Scarlet will be here by the end of the day so we can get started first thing tomorrow." Cinder groaned with a tired sigh. Kai slung an arm across her shoulders and kissed the side of her head.

"I'll see about some food—you should eat something." Kai murmured.

Cinder nodded. "Food sounds good; I'm hungry."

"Cress, Thorne, you guys want some food too?"

Cress nodded, as did Carswell.

Kai gave them a thumbs up, disappearing for a few moments before returning. Minutes later, a few servants brought in plates of food.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang