Chapter One Hundred

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Thorne slumped back against the sofa, a hand resting on his stomach. "I think I ate more today than I have this whole month combined." He craned his head to glance at Wolf, sitting opposite him with his fifth--yes, fifth--plate. 

"Cress that was delicious! I admit I was a little nervous, but that was amazing you really did a fantastic job," Scarlet was saying as she and Cinder helped Cress clear the table.

Cress beamed. "Oh stars above I'm so glad!" She nervously laughed. "I was worried there for a while."

"I vote we have Thanksgiving here every year," Cinder added. "That way I don't have to host next time."

Thorne smirked. He tried to think of a retort to say--something snarky about humans not wanting to be served mechanical dishes--but was to full to put it into words.

"I bet we could talk Winter into hosting," Cress added. "Hey, any of you men-folk out there want something to drink? Soda? Beer?"

"Ugh, I'm so full I don't think I can eat for another week," Thorne groaned. "So maybe a soda?"

"Wolf? Kai?"

"Soda sounds good, thanks Cress," Wolf said around another bite of food.

"Wolf I'm just gonna leave everything out on the counter so you can get more if you want it."

Wolf's lips twitched in a smile.

"Is anyone keeping up with the game?" Thorne asked, sitting up and turning on the netscreen to the football game.

"No, only on Holiday's. Or when I'm in the Republic," Cinder said. She sauntered into the living room and sank down beside Kai who slung an arm across her shoulders.

"I only ever watched the Superbowl and the Thanksgiving game," Thorne added. "Apparently that was one of the few traditions my parents were okay with."

"Is Thanksgiving celebrated on Luna?" Thorne asked, glancing at Cinder. Then Wolf. Then back at Cress.

Cress shrugged. "I think so. I never celebrated it, though."

"Yeah, yeah, I know cause you were stuck on a satellite." Thorne waved a hand in the air and he heard Cress giggle. "Come here, stop cleaning and sit with your husband."

Cress didn't reply, but moments later she was walking around the sofa and settling down beside him.

"Dinner was amazing," he murmured, kissing the side of her face.

Cress ginned up at him, stretching up to give him a kiss. "Thanks," she sighed. "There's plenty of dessert but I thought we'd give it a little while, you think?"

"Sounds good. Gives us normal people just enough time to digest," Thorne said with an envious glare at Wolf who was still eating.

Kai and Scarlet, who were so far the only ones watching the game, both let out exclamations.

"What? Who got a touchdown?"

"I don't know, the black ones."

Thorne rolled his eyes. "The Raiders, Scarlet."

"Whatever, I'm not even really paying attention. I just yell when Kai yells."

Kai smirked.

"Okay, who wants to play a game?" Thorne asked. He made no move to get up.

"Depends on the game--please not Royals," Cress groaned.

"Uno? With bets?" 

"I'll play Uno," Scarlet said.

Thorne nodded, shoving away from the sofa and grabbing the Uno cards from the game box and tossing them on the table.

Wolf set his plate down and played with them a few rounds, but no one was really paying super close attention.

Thorne smiled to himself when Cress leaned her head on his shoulder. He felt like with the craziness of the past couple weeks he'd hardly seen her. She'd been working so hard to make today a success.

"Are you falling asleep on me, Damsel?"

"Mm-hm. I'm so tired and full."

"We haven't even had dessert yet."

"I know," she yawned. "Wake me when it's out."

Thorne smirked, adjusting his arm around her. Now that everyone was finished it seemed though a communal nap was in need. 

"Okay, someone say something or else I'm gonna fall asleep," Scarlet said through a yawn.

"So who pegged Scarlet and Wolf as getting married first?" Cinder asked.

"I did for sure, but I thought it would be more like 2 hours after the revolution not 2 years," Thorne smirked.

"Yeah, I kinda did too," Cress added, blinking her eyes open.

"It was a toss up between you two and Winter and Jacin," Kai said, tossing his last card onto the pile and winning his second game in a row.

"I thought you two would go at least like five or six years," Cinder nodded toward Thorne.

"I feel like I should be insulted, but I'm not sure why," Thorne said.

"You should be. But I also don't know why."

"Why'd you think we'd wait another five years? Can't you tell how in love we are?"

"Oh obnoxiously so, yes, I just thought it would take longer for you to settle down."

Thorne made a face, wishing he could reach one of the throw pillows to chuck at her. "Well ha-ha, you were wrong."

Cinder smirked.

"Anyone planning any kids?" Scarlet asked. "It was the next logical question," she added with a shrug.

"No, not in the near future. Maybe in a few years," Kai shrugged while Cinder nodded her agreement.

"Same," Thorne said. Even though he and Cress had talked about kids a handful of times, they'd never really decided on the timing and he didn't really want to ask her what her thoughts were right here in front of everyone.

As Scarlet and Wolf got up to set out the dessert, Thorne glanced at Cress. He still often times had trouble wrapping his mind around the fact that they were married. Adding children to that was a whole other level of unbelief. Not in a bad way, by any means, just a different way. A way that made him stop and think and smile.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!! I'm so so grateful to each any every one of you who have ever left a "favorite", comment, or messaged me a suggestion. it means the absolute world to me and you all make me feel like a real writer when i upload a chapter and 5 minutes later i have a million notifications saying so and so commented or liked :')

here's to another 100 chapters of cresswell! <3

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