Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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Cress held up her blue dress in front of her, studying it in the mirror before holding up another one.

"I feel like Disneyland is a blue dress type of place instead of yellow," she said, turning to Carswell sprawled out on the bed behind her.

"If only you could bring them both," Carswell murmured without opening his eyes.

"I'm trying to pack light. Especially cause we'll only be there a couple days."

Carswell blinked his eyes open, propping himself up on his elbows. "Just bring them both and decide when we get there. There's plenty of room."

"Yeah..." Cress still hesitated. "Nah, I'll just bring the blue one and maybe my yellow ruffle shirt to wear with jeans the next day."

"There you go." Carswell sport vibrated and he glanced at it. "Breakfast is here. You better hurry up cause we're leaving in twenty minutes."

"Yes, sir," Cress said with a salute.

Carswell smacked her backside on his way toward the stairs.

Cress almost squealed, a grin stretching across her face. She smacked him right back and he winked at her, jogging down the stairs.

With a dreamy sigh, Cress hurriedly finished folding the clothes she wanted to take and didn't double check led that she had all her toiletries together. Carswell's things were already on the Rampion.

"Hey damsel hurry it it up!"

"Coming!" Cress called, snatching her sweater from the bed and trotting downstairs.

"Here." Carswell handed her a breakfast sandwich. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks." Cress took the drink he handed her, smiling to herself. It was silly, probably, but she loved that he knew her drink—double chocolate mocha with an extra shot of espresso and whipped cream. She stretched up and quickly kissed his cheek.

Carswell nudged her side, sliding an arm loosely around her waist as he dug into his meal.

"I wanna do Space Mountain first," Cress said.

"Let's do it."

Cress grinned. She raked the hair away from her face and knotted it up on the top of her head.

Carswell shoved the last of his sandwich in his mouth, brushing his hands together. "Imma go check the Rampion one more time; just make sure we're good."

Cress nodded. "I'll be right there, lemme just grab the food."

"You need any help?"

"Nah. If you could just grab my clothes that's he great though. You don't have to put them away, just on the bed is fine."

"You got it. These here?"


As soon as Carswell disappeared, Cress did one more walk through of the apartment checking all the windows were locked and there was nothing left behind. She grabbed the jacket of food on the counter on her way out, locking the door after her.

Excitement bubbled in her stomach. She always loved taking the Rampion, but taking the Rampion to Disneyland was a whole other level of excitement.

The ramp was lowered so Cress jogged up, setting the food down in the galley and then going to their room to put her bag down. Her clothes weren't there and she thought for one second Carswell had forgotten them but a quick glance at the freshly packed dresser made her grin.

He was so perfect.


"It's me," Cress grinned as she hurried down toward the cockpit and slid into her seat.

"All good?"

"All good."

"Cool. Wanna learn how to fly?" he asked, glancing at her and smiling lopsidedly.

Cress nervously smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah, come on."

Cress stood up, thinking to sit on his arm rest bit he stood up. "Wait I'm actually going to do it?"

"It's easy."

Cress lightly frowned, wondering how he had been so terrible at it for so long if it was so easy. She said nothing, however, and sank down in his seat.

Carswell then gave her a brief tour of the control panel, showing her what each knob and dial and switch did before going over the lift off procedures. Cress paid close attention, trying to remember as much as she could and starting to get nervous. This didn't seem easy.

Thankfully Carswell didn't actually expect her to life off her first lesson, but he did let her pull the lever that did... something. Revved the engines, or something like that.

"Once we're up I'll show you how to set a course."

Cress nodded, grinning as she settled back in her chair. She paid attention to what Carswell was doing with renewed interest. Staying true to his word, he waved her back over and actually let her set the course for LA, which was fun.

"Alright, Darlas estimation is 3:46 so we've got a couple hours to kill," Carswell said as he stood up.

Cress nodded, taking his hand as they started down the corridor. She was about to suggest they play a game or something when he wrapped not arms around her and collapsed down onto the sofa.

"I'm tired," he murmured.


"I woke up super early and couldn't go back to sleep."


Carswell heaved a sigh, nuzzling her neck and kissing her.

"That's not going to put you to sleep."

"Don't question my methods."

Cress smirked. She wrapped one of her legs around his, running her hands through his hair and kissing his cheek and jaw. She almost laughed at feeling him relax ever so slightly. Readjusting so he was stretched out more comfortably on the sofa, Cress continued to gently rake her hand through his hair, stroking his back and shoulders with her free fingers.

"I love you Damsel," he mumbled.

"I love you too."

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now