Chapter Sixty Nine

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"This place is like a hotel." Thorne said as they walked back into their room. He tossed his jacket onto one of the seats beneath the window and raked a hand through his hair.

"I know, it's so beautiful." Cress sighed, kicking off her flats and collapsing onto the bed.

Thorne smirked, sinking down beside her and snaking an arm around her waist. He kissed her neck.

"I kinda want to take a bath. Did you see that tub?"

"I did." Thorne tightened his arms around her in a quick pulse. "Better do it now though before you fall asleep."

Cress sighed, smiling. "Okay." She pushed herself up and meandered into the bathroom.

Thorne heard the water in the tub turn on. He turned on the net screen, half watching the sitcom that was on. He changed into his sweats before unloading all their clothes in the dresser.

"Hey, Cress have you seen the balcony?"

"No, why?"

"It's gigantic. We should sleep out one night here when it's warmer." He added, more to himself. With a spine popping stretched, he walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

"You've got something on your pants." Cress, still in the bathtub, said.

Thorne glanced down. "Where?"


Thorne dried his hands on the towel, walking towards her.

"Turn around. Right... there." Cress smacked his backside.

"Hey!" Thorne whipped around.

Cress giggled, grinning. "My mistake."

"Hurry up in there." Thorne said, waved a finger at her and arching an eyebrow.

Cress just smiled.

Thorne smirked, moving back out to the bedroom and collapsing onto the bed.

Cress came out in her night dress a moment later. She settled beside him.

"You smell good." Thorne murmured, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against himself. He kissed her hair.

Cress giggled. She tilted her face up, stretching to kiss him.

Thorne raked his fingers through her wet hair. His other hand slid to her waist, moving beneath her nightdress and grazing her soft skin.

"Don't tickle me."

"I'm not." Thorne almost laughed.

Cress smiled, almost nervously. She kissed him again, harder, touching her fingers to the sides of his face. She looked up at him. "I love you, captain."

Thorne ran a hand through her hair. "I love you more, Damsel."

Cress giggled. She sighed. "I'm tired."

Thorne smiled against her. "Me too. Who know sitting on a plane for 4 hours could be so exhausting?"

"I know."

Thorne adjusted the pillow beneath him, settling back and keeping Cress pressed against him. 

Her eyes fluttered closed.

*         *         *

When they opened again, the balcony doors were still open, letting in a cool breeze. Cress stretched her arms beneath the pillow, the sheets cool and crisp against her skin. Outside, she could see the lightening sky and hear the crashing waves. A smile lit up her face as an arm wrapped around her from behind.

Carswell kissed her shoulder. 

Cress sighed. "I like it here."

"Yeah, it's nice."

Cress sniffed. "I smell food."

"I know it smells good."

"What time is it?"

"I don't know. Uh... 8."

Cress closed her eyes, wiggling back against him. She listened to the crashing waves and the rustling wind for several wonderful minutes before her stomach started to rumble.

"I'm hungry too." Carswell kissed the side of her cheek, squeezing her before standing up and getting dressed.

Cress rolled onto her stomach, propping her chin on her hands. "You're cute."

"I know." Carswell tossed her her hoodie. "Hurry up and get dressed; I'm hungry."

Cress made a face, tugging the sweatshirt over her head and then sliding to the ground.

"Hey." Carswell reached for her arm, ducking his head to kiss her. "You're cute too."

Cress grinned. "I know."

Carswell kissed her again, sinking back down on the bed and tugging on a pair of socks.

Winter and Scarlet had made a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit, and hot coffee.

"Ooh, aces I'm hungry." Cress groaned, picking up a strawberry and biting into it. "These are perfect."

Carswell walked around the island and helped himself to a few plates, giving one to Cress.

"Cress, the girls were going to go to the little outdoor mall this morning and shop. You wanna come?" Winter said.

Cress nodded. She still needed to find Carswell an actual gift for his birthday. "Yeah, that sounds like fun."

Winter smiled, settling at the dinning room table beside Cinder and Scarlet. Cress joined them a moment later, but Carswell lingered in the kitchen with Kai and Wolf.

Right after breakfast, Cress, Scarlet, Cinder, Iko, and Winter, all walked a short distance to the small outdoor mall. Even from there they would see the beach and every time they stepped into a store Cress hated to leave the view.

One of the shops Iko wanted to go into was a high end sunglass store. Cress didn't usually wear sunglasses, but she thought she might look for some for Carswell.

Cress glanced at the rows and rows of sunglasses. She ended up getting distracted with the women's section, trying on a few different pairs and inwardly giggling at herself. She ended up getting a pair of men's RayBan's, thinking they would look good on Carswell. But she still wanted to find something else. Bigger.

"There's an actual department store a few blocks from here." Iko suggested.

Cress nodded eagerly and she was glad that when they all arrived, everyone scattered around and she was left alone to look on her own.

"Can I help you look for something?" One of the sales girls asked.

Cress nervously smiled. "I don't know. I'm looking for a gift, but I don't know what to get him."

"Hm." The sales girl looked around, frowning thoughtfully.

"It's the first time we'll be celebrating his birthday since getting married, so I'm trying to think of something really special or cool. He already has a leather jacket." She added, waving to a rack of fancy new jackets. She knew how much he loved his leather jacket.

"I might have an idea, just depending on how... well, come with me."

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