Chapter Forty Eight

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Cress couldn't stop crying or laughing or telling him how much she loved him. When he finally set her back down, her was sure her face was red and blotchy and tear stained. Another laugh bubbled in her throat when she saw there was moisture on his face as well.

"How long have you been planning this?" she asked, her voice faintly hiccuping.

"A while," Carswell murmured, grinning as he brushed her face off with his hand. "I bought the ring when we were still in the Republic."

"You had it for over a month and didn't say anything?"

"Trust me, it wasn't easy."

Cress glanced back down at her hand, her eyes welling up all over again.

"If you don't like it we'll find something else, I—"

"It's perfect. I love it so much." Cress shook her head, unable to wrap her mind around the fact that she was engaged. That they were engaged. She was going to marry him! Lifting her eyes again, she stretched back up to kiss him. Her heart fluttered when his arms snaked around her waist. She didn't know why specifically, but she loved it when he did that and his hands rested on her waist.

Inside, another slow song started.

"Dance with me," Carswell whispered.

Cress nodded, pressing herself back up against him and letting both him and the music move her. The grin wouldn't leave her face. She kept replying the past ten minutes over and over in her mind, wanting to engrave it into her mind so she would never forget even the smallest detail.

Carswell kissed the top of her head, tightening his arms around her.

"We're all gonna be married. Aces, we're getting old." Cress giggled.

Carswell laughed. "Speak for yourself." He sighed. "I love you, damsel."

"I love you too, Captain." Cress raked her fingers up and down his back, craning her head to look up at him.

He kissed her forehead. Then lightly frowned. "What happened to your shoes?"

"Oh, my feet were starting to hurt so Iko gave me these flats."


Another song started, but it was muffled with the sounds of chatter. People must have started to leave.

Carswell glanced at his watch. "Aces it's almost 2."

Cress yawned, as if on cue. "Good, then I don't feel so bad for being so tired."

Carswell released her just enough to walk towards the balcony. He sank to the ground, taking his jacket off and spreading it out beside him so Cress's dress wouldn't get dirty.

Sinking down in a puff of silk, Cress leaned against his shoulder and stared out at the twinkling city lights. Above them, Luna was just barely visible in the sky. She wasn't sure if Carswell purposely proposed during a crescent moon or not, but either way it added to the perfection of the night.

Finally, around 3, after most of the sounds had died down from the ball room, Cress murmured she was starting to fall asleep.

"Me too." Carswell murmured, heaving himself up with a grunt and then stooping to help Cress.

They walked back inside and Cress was surprised to find the room completely empty of guests and their friends. Now the room was filled with servants, cleaning up the dishes and food and tables.

"Sorry." Cress murmured as Carswell tugged her hand and they dodged around workers.

Carswell paused outside her room, ducking his head to kiss her. "Goodnight, fiancée."

Cress sighed, smiling. "Goodnight." Alone, she sank back against her closed door and stared dreamily out the window. Pulling her left hand up, she fingered with the delicate ring. It was different than anything she had ever pictured for herself but it was infinitely better than all her imaginations.

Aces and spades, she was engaged!

Stifling a squeal Cress danced towards her bed but, knowing there was no way she was going to get any sleep, she changed her clothes and started into the bathroom. She could have summoned a maid to draw her a bath, but it was to late. Or, early, rather.

Instead she filled the jetted tub with hot water and threw in a few peach-scented bath bombs. Slipping the dress off, Cress carefully hung it on the hook beside the door and slipped into the tub.

"I'm gonna marry you, Carswell Thorne." She murmured to herself, holding up her bubble-covered hand again and looking at her ring. Leaning her head back and staring up at the ceiling, Cress closed her eyes and took a deep breath. At some point the jets turned on, keeping the water nice and hot.


Cress abruptly snapped her eyes open, momentarily stunned. Light was pouring in through the bathroom window. She fell asleep in the bathtub?! Her fingers were wrinkled and looked disturbingly like raisins.

"You in here?" Iko called.

"Yeah. I was just... taking a bath."

Iko pushed the door open and smirked. "It's 10:30."

"I know."

Iko raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, sorry. I fell asleep in the bath." Reaching for the towel, she quickly stood up and wrapped it beneath her arms.

"You took a bath at 2 in the morning?"

"Well I knew I wasn't going to be getting any sleep." Cress laughed.

"Is everything okay?"

Cress froze. She forgot to ask if they were telling people. Although, technically Iko wasn't people. "Yeah, um..." Cress wiped her hand off on the towel, wishing her hand wasn't so shriveled.

Iko gasped. "Wait—"

"We got engaged!" Cress squealed, unable to keep it in.

Iko fairly screamed, throwing her arms around Cress and jumping up and down. "Stars above! You're engaged! Oh can I please help you plan your wedding to?"

"Yes, yes! Please!"

"Oh my stars, Cress! Little baby Cress is getting married!" Iko hugged Cress again.

Cress laughed.

"You're marrying your celebrity crush—talk about goals." Iko groaned. "Cinder had to go and take mine."

Cress laughed again, her cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling so much.

"Okay, sorry, I'll let you get dressed. Everyone's in the library."

"Did I miss breakfast?"

"Kai had a buffet set up in the library so we can do presents and eat at the same time so everything's still out."

"Oh aces, I've kept everyone waiting, just give me 5 minutes!"

"No worries, take your time." Iko turned back towards the door. She squealed again. "Stars I'm so excited!"

"Me too!"

"I won't say anything to anyone, so you can give them the good word yourself."

"Thanks." Cress grinned, grabbing a pair of sweats from the dresser and her fuzzy boots.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now