Chapter Eighty Seven

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Cress woke to light filtering in through the window. Her back ached a little, probably from sleeping on a hard chair, but she didn't really mind. She'd have felt guilt going back to her room and leaving Carswell all by himself. One of the nurses came in a little after 9. His lung had fully expanded and was almost as good as new, but because most of his injuries were bones needing to be reset he wasn't eligible for the suspension tank.

Cress could tell Carswell wasn't sure whether to be relieved or annoyed at the news, but he shrugged it off good naturally. He slept a lot over the next two weeks, recovering from the concussion in only 15 days and being cleared by the doctor to go back to their room.

"We'll leave for home tomorrow." Carswell said after the nurse had left. He slowly eased his legs over the side of the bed.

Cress moved closer, carefully wrapped her arm around his back. "I don't think you're going to be able to fly—do you want a wheelchair?"

"No. And I'll be fine."

"Why don't we just stay here a few more weeks?"

"Because school starts for you on Monday."

Cress waved a hand in the air. "It's fine, I can switch to online classes."

"No, no, no—you're going to school." Carswell tried to smile through a grimace as he stood up.


"It'll be fine. Really. And honestly I'm much rather be at home than here, especially if I'm gonna basically be confined to bed."

Cress still wasn't convinced.

Carswell wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leaning on her as they started towards the door.

"Where are we going?"

"I have no idea. Our room?"

"You want to walk all the way across the palace?"

"Yes, I'm fine. My legs work it's just my side that's a little sore." Carswell insisted.

Cress didn't argue. She'd seen that look on his face before—one of uncertainty masked behind confidence. "What do you feel like for dinner?" She asked instead. "I don't know why, but fried chicken sounds really good."

"I could go for some fried chicken." Carswell murmured, wincing only a little bit.

Cress nodded. "I'll see about getting some. Lemme get the door." She released him with one of her arms so she could push their door open.

"Ah, thanks, Damsel." Carswell wearily smiled, kissing her head as he reached for the end of the sofa and sank down.

"Yeah, of course. Alright let me see about dinner."

Carswell leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "Let me know if I can do anything to help."

Cress hid a smile, reaching for her port and asking for some dinner to be brought to their room. She felt a little self-conscious for ordering "room service" at Cinder's palace but she knew Cinder would have told her it was fine.

"Do you want to go to bed? It might be more comfortable—"

"Nah, it actually feels better being more upright."

"Can I sit with you or will it make you more uncomfortable?"

Carswell lifted his head from the couch and smiled, reaching his good arm towards her. "Never."

Cress relaxed into a smile, carefully sitting beside him. "It's the other side, right?"

"Yeah, you're good."

Cress wrapped her arms around his and leaned her head on his shoulder. She wasn't quite sure what to think—or what to do—with him being hurt. She'd only seen him physically incapacitated once and even then he was able to still move and function somewhat normally. She didn't want to treat him like a baby now but she also didn't want to ignored him being hurt—though she suspected he would have preferred to be ignored than babied.

A knock at the door snapped her out of her daze.

"I can smell it from here." Carswell said, faintly laughing.

Cress swung the door open, a little surprised to find Cinder standing there with a box of food in her hands.

"Make sure she doesn't have a camera." Carswell said.

"I have a camera in my eyes Captain Genius." Cinder rolled her eyes. "Besides, I have food." She added, tossing him the box and starting towards the sofa. "Stars you look amazing."

"Shut up."

Carswell shot her a glare and she almost laughed.

"So you guys are leaving tomorrow?"

"That's the plan. I gotta see if I can sweet-talk that doctor into giving me more of those painkillers."

"I can see if one of our pilots can—"

Carswell waved a hand in the air. "Nah, it'll be fine. Once we clear Luna I can set auto-pilot and we'll be good."

Cinder's eyes shifted to Cress who shrugged in an "I already tried" way. "Okay, well, if you change your mind."

"Thanks. Sorry I... you know."

"Got hurt and almost died? I forgive you. Enjoy the chicken." Cinder smirked, standing up and disappearing through the door.

Cress picked up a piece of chicken and a napkin, sinking back against the sofa again. Carswell being hurt aside, she was looking forward to being home again. She liked their apartment!

Carswell ate almost an entire package before awkwardly wiggling down so he could lean his head back.

"Do you want a blanket or anything?"

"Some more of those pain killers would be fantastic."

Cress nodded, shoving away from the sofa and grabbing the bottle off the counter. She dumped a few out and handed them to Carswell, who swallowed them with a single gulp of water.

"Thanks." He sighed, faintly groaning.

"Lemme know if you want anything else."

He nodded, smiling lopsidedly. "Thanks Damsel. If you want to go sleep in bed, you don't have to stay here all night."

Cress shrugged. "I'm comfortable here."

Carswell's smile warmed a little. "Oh good."

"I'm just gonna get my pillow."

"I'll get it."


"I'm fine, I'm fine—the pain meds kicked in." He said, winking as he stood up and crossed the room.

Cress inwardly cringed, watching him reach across the bed for both their pillows and grabbing one of the blankets. He moved with decided slowness and she could tell, despite his bravado, he was at least in a little pain.

"Aces these things make me tired." Carswell sighed as he sank back down beside her.

Cress wanted to ask again if he was okay or needed anything but managed to catch herself.

Carswell sank back down, grimacing only a little. His eyes shifted to Cress and he winked. "I'm fine."

"Oh? Would you tell me if you weren't?"

Carswell shrugged. "Probably not."

"You know the only time you can actually be waited on and ask for things and not feel about it when you're actually hurt."

"Well thanks for the info, but I don't need to be waited on or ask for things."

"Okay." Cress shrugged, settling back against the sofa. She raked her fingers through his hair and he kissed the inside of her wrist, leaning his head back. He fell asleep after only a few minutes.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin