Chapter Ninety Three

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Cress tugged her hat over her hair and grabbed her book bag and hoodie as she started down the stairs. Carswell was in the Rampion, either recording or setting up to record, so she made him a plate of breakfast and then sent him a comm that it was ready whenever he was finished.

"I'm finished." He laughed, walking in through the front two 1.3 seconds after she hit "send."

Cress giggled. "Good timing." She nodded to the plate on the counter.

"Are you leaving?" Carswell asked, sliding his jacket off and crossing the room, taking a seat at the bar.

Cress nodded. "As soon as I'm finished eating."

"Think you'll be home at the normal time?"

"Probably. Why?"

"Just wondering."

Cress scarfed down the rest of her breakfast, rinsed her plate off, and loaded the dishwasher. "Okay, now I'm leaving." She said, swinging around to give Carswell a kiss.

"Have fun. Study hard."

Cress grinned. She slung her bag over her shoulder as she started out into the corridor and down the stairs. A hover was waiting for her when she stepped outside, which made her smile. Carswell must have called it for her. She made it to school with ten minutes to spare so she sat down in one of the plush chairs and went over her homework. Aces she still couldn't believe she was actually going to school!

The class door swung open and Cress scrambled to her feet. She managed to get the same seat as last time, one in the back, and hoped that from here on out people would just stick to the same seats.

Class sped by and Cress had just enough time before her second one to get something warm to drink. It was technically against the rules to bring drinks inside the classrooms but she saw at least five people with coffee cups so she figured it wasn't a heavily enforced rule.

"What'd you get?" The girl next to her asked as Cress took a seat for her second class.

"Pumpkin spice." Cress said. "I know it's so cliche but they're my favorite!"

"Mine too." The girl grinned. "I'm Amy."


Amy started to say something else but the professor called everyone to attention. Cress reached for her textbook and tablet, jotting down as many notes as she could. As they neared the ten minute break mark, the professor said she was going to keep going because she was wrapping up.

Cress grinned to herself. Maybe she'd stop on the way home and grab some lunch or something for Carswell. Ooh, or donuts!

"See you Thursday!" Amy said as she stood up.

Cress nodded, grabbing her port and checking to see what was on the way home. She thought to comm Carswell and let her know but decided to surprise him instead. She called a hover and sat inside the downstairs lobby reading while she waited.

It was raining when Cress stepped back outside. She shivered, hurrying into the hover and ordering it to go to the nearest drive-through. On the way back to the apartment she snuck a few french fries.

When the hover came to a stop, Cress grabbed her shoulder bag and the bag of food and darted inside. She took the stairs, wanting to get in a little exercise since she'd been sitting down for so long. Nearing their door, Cress paused. Lightly frowned.

Was Carswell listening to music? It sounded like a guitar, but she couldn't place the song. It cut off abruptly and was followed by a few seconds of random on and off chords. Cress's frown deepened. Was he playing the guitar? She didn't know he knew how!

Fishing in her bag for her keys, Cress fit them in the lock and shoved the door open.

"Carswell? I got lunch!"

Carswell appeared at the top of the stairs a moment later. "You're home early."

"Yeah, I don't know why class finished so soon. Did i hear music?"

Carswell smirked. He ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I was trying to figure out how to get the ads off YouTube."

Cress lightly frowned but said nothing, instead nodding to the bag of food in her hands. "Hungry?"

"Starving. What'd you get?"

"Chicken sandwiches, fries, and milkshakes."

"Milkshakes?! It's freezing outside!"

"If you don't want it I'll drink it." Cress retorted, grinning. "Besides, it's warm in here."

"I'll drink it." Carswell retorted right back, snatching one from the box.

Cress made a face, unloading everything onto the table.

"So how was school?"

"Good. There's a quiz in a few weeks, so that'll be fun."

Carswell blinked. "Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, I think it'll be fun."

"A quiz?" Carswell eyebrows shot up and Cress laughed.

"We'll I know the material so it'll be easy. Fun."

"Fun." Carswell repeated, shaking his head.

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