Chapter Sixty

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Morning came way too quickly, though it was late when Cress blinked her eyes open. The temperature had already started to rise and warmth seeped in through the window.

Sprawled out on her stomach, her arms beneath her pillow and the side of her face creased with sheet marks, Cress took a deep breath in and let it out. Behind her, Carswell snaked a hand across her bare back and around her stomach. He kissed her cheek and she faintly groaned.

"Morning, wife."

Cress, her eyes still closed, smiled. She took a deep breath in and let it out in a sigh. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

Carswell started kissing her cheek and jaw and neck, sending chills down her spin. "You're so soft," he murmured, grazing her waist with his thumb.

She lightly twitched. "Don't tickle me."

Carswell chuckled. "Spoilsport."

Cress giggled, turning onto her back and stretching up to kiss him. "I'm hungry."

"Me too. Brunch is at 10."


"With the rest of the gang."

Cress's face brightened. "Really?"

Carswell nodded. He started nuzzling her neck again. "I figured you'd want to spend some time with everyone before they all dispersed again."

"Where are they all off to?"

Carswell shrugged. "Probably back to their respective homes."

"Are we staying here?"

"Well," Carswell shifted back onto his pillow, though he kept her hand in his. "I thought we could spend another night here and just... decompress from everything and then hit up California and go to Disneyland."

Cress's jaw dropped. "Really?"

"I have other options in case that doesn't sound fun."

"No I like that!" Cress's grin intensified and she bit her lower lip. "I've never been to Disneyland."

"I know." Carswell winked at her. "The resorts there are amazing."

"When was the last time you went?"

"Aces it's been forever. I think the last time we went was for my thirteenth birthday."

Cress nodded. She leaned against him, wrapping both her legs around one of his and splaying her hand on his chest. Though she was excited to get to go have brunch with the rest of the crew, she also wished she could stay there for the rest of the day. "How is everyone getting home?"

"Cinder, Kai, and Iko have a private ship here, so they're gonna give Scarlet and Wolf a lift to France on their way back to the Commonwealth, and Jacin and Winter are actually headed to California for a few days so they're gonna take the Rampion, leave it there, and take a plane back to the UK."

Cress's eyebrows shot up. "They're taking the Rampion? How will we get to California?"

"We are taking a commercial airplane."

Cress drew back, surprised.

"I thought we could be real honeymooners and do it the way everyone else does."

Cress eagerly nodded. "I like that idea." Her eyes widened ever so slightly. "I'll get to pack!"

Carswell laughed. "Yes. Speaking of..." His eyes darted to the wardrobe against the wall. "I got you some stuff."

Another grin crept onto Cress's face. She slid from the bed, keeping the larger blanket wrapped around her chest as she crossed the room and pulled the wardrobe door open.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now