Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

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Cress stretched her arms beneath her head, stifling a yawn. She turned over onto her other side, snuggling against Carswell and running her hand down to his stomach.

"Don't tickle me," he mumbled.

"I'm not."

He kissed the top of her head, craning his neck to glance at the clock. "I gotta get up."

"It's still so early," Cress groaned.

"I know, I'm sorry. You can stay home if you'd rather, I can come back to pick you up before the doctor's."

"No, I still want to go. But why have you been going so early?"

"So I can get home earlier. Besides, I'm gonna start stock piling so I can take some time off after the baby's here."

Cress's smile warmed and she couldn't help giggling. "I guess I should go make breakfast then and be a good wife."

"Yeah, slacker," he murmured, nudging her waist.

Cress giggled. She reluctantly pushed herself up, arching her back in a stretch and stiffing a yawn.

"Do you want me to?"

"Nah, it'll just take twenty minutes or so."

"I think I'm gonna hit the gym then for a quick workout," he added, quickly kissing her.

Cress nodded. "Yeah, gotta keep those abs up. Shooting for eight?"


"Can you start a fire though before you go?"

Carswell nodded, squeezing her in a tight hug and then legging her go.

Cress quickly tugged on her sweats and uggs, then jogged down the stairs and started breakfast. While waiting for the oven to get hot, she started defrosting the cinnamon rolls. She liked making things from scratch but didn't always have the time, so sometimes she cheated and froze half of whatever she made so they'd have a stock pile for busy days.

As soon as Carswell came back and they finished breakfast, Cress quickly dressed in some jeans and a sweater, and then put on some mascara and lip gloss. She turned sideways, studying herself in the mirror and annoyed when her stomach looked the same as it usually did. She'd been doing some light readying on being pregnant and evidently most women didn't show until the twelfth week!

"Still not showing?" Carswell asked, clearly trying to hide a grin as she came downstairs.


 Carswell nudged her shoulder, grabbing his jacket and then holding the door for her. "Enjoy it while it lasts."

Cress giggled, excitedly squeezing his arm. She tucked her hair behind her ear, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head so she wouldn't get wet. Once seated in the hover, she felt in her bag to make sure she'd tucked her tablet in there. A few days ago, she'd put together a short, three minute vid of the behind the scenes and it had reached over a million views in less than twelve hours. Plus, she was a little nervous about her doctors appointment later so this would give her something to do and keep her mind distracted.

Carswell still hadn't said anything to and of his team, which was good--they hadn't even told the rest of the Rampion Crew yet. Cress was still trying to think of a way to get them all in one place without anyone suspecting anything. So far Carswell's birthday seemed like the best bet, and it was right around her twelve-week mark.

"Hey, Cress--stars above that video was amazing!" Alex said as soon as they both walked in.

Cress grinned. "Thanks."

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