Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five

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Cress arched her back, grabbing a pillow from the sofa and stuffing it behind her before turning back to her table propped up in front of her. Carswell was upstairs putting together the last of his clothes. They were gonna head back to their apartment in Washington tomorrow morning. Cress wanted to stay a little longer, but with less than eleven weeks to go until Baby Thorne came, Carswell was nervous to wait to much longer for her to fly.

"Alright, I'm all set," Carswell said, jogging down the stairs.

Cress grinned up at him. "Cool!"

Carswell settled on the sofa behind her. "School?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done."

"No rush. Are you getting hungry for dinner?"

"I'm always hungry for dinner."

Carswell laughed and Cress tilted her head back to look at him. "I'm kinda feeling Asian food. Maybe from that place with the cold sesame noodles?"

"Ooh yes!" Cress groaned. "Those were bomb."

Carswell whipped out his port and placed an order, giving Cress just enough time to finish her paper and turn it in. She really missed going to in-person school but online was still fun. If she kept her GPA up, she'd be eligible for the Honor roll.

"Aight, food will be here in about a half hour, I'm gonna go video call with Alex really quick."

Cress nodded. So far he'd been able to send some recording to his studio back in Washington, but only because he had so many fully pre-recorded episodes ready to go.

He ended up being on the phone a little longer than a half hour, but thankfully their food was supposed to be cold so Cress just stuck his in the fridge.

"Sheesh, you couldn't wait for me?" he asked, jogging down the stairs and throwing her a mock glare.

"I'm growing a whole new human, so no," Cress said around another bite of food.

"That's fair." Carswell laughed. "What do we still need to do in terms of packing?"

"Not much. I already packed up all my clothes and I thought we could leave the blankets and little things we've bought since we've been here, that way we don't have to transport everything anytime we move around."

"That works. I had the Rampion serviced yesterday and she's still in top-notch condition."

"Oh good, glad we won't all die in a collision."

"Nope." Carswell started in on his dinner, one hand absentmindedly rubbing Cress's shoulder.

Cress managed to get her assignment finished by the end of the night and though she still had two others to do before Friday, she figured she could either do them on the trip home tomorrow or once they actually got home. She was sad to be leaving their beautiful home in LA but at the same time she was so excited to be going back to their little apartment. It was so much quieter there and she was kinda looking forward to wearing pants and sweaters again, and having fires in the fireplace.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, Damsel," Carswell said with a sigh.

"It's only ten-thirty."

"I know but I'd like to leave as early as possible tomorrow, there's a rainstorm back home that's coming later in the afternoon and I'd like to beat it."

"Gotcha. I'll come to since I'm at a good stopping point." Cress stood, exiting all her programs and stacking her devices that Carswell then took from her.

"Sad to be leaving?"

"Um, maybe a little both? I like that we can come here whenever we want," she added.

"Very true." Carswell took her hand and started upstairs, setting her things down on the desk. Since Cress was already in her pajamas, she climbed into bed, smiling to herself when Carswell pulled his shirt over his head.

Cress heaved a tired sigh, snuggling up against him as best as she could. Much to her dismay, she found snuggling to be a bit harder with the baby in the way. It was easier on the sofa but the bed, not so much. Thankfully she fell asleep faster than she thought she would, only to wake again when it was still dark outside. Carswell was already up, moving around quietly. He walked out and then came back in a few minutes later as Cress was getting dressed.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh you're good. I need to use the restroom anyway." Cress paused to give him a kiss and then disappeared into the bathroom.

"There's some poptarts on the Rampion in the toaster and everything's already loaded."

Cress nodded. "Cool, thanks." She pulled a hoodie over her head and yanked on her boots, then took Carswell's hand when he held it out to her. Cress took one final glance around, almost sad to leave.

She changed her mind as soon as she took her seat on the Rampion, excited to be going back home.

so i have a few random ideas for this fanfic that are kinda, well, random. but they're more action chapters and not very story oriented like i've been doing lately. would you guys prefer me to stick to the novel-story-line kind of chapters or have more action chapters? i'll keep things so they make sense according to what i've written before, i won't just have an unrelated chapter thrown in.

also, again, i'm so sorry i haven't been uploading as frequently!!!!! i am still writing in this, obviously, and trying to finish my fifth original novel, and figure out school stuff, blah, blah, blah, excuses, right? anyway, thanks for everyone who's stuck with it for this long you're all AMAZING!!!!!

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