Chapter Eleven

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The crew toured through the rest of Australia before finally heading back to the Eastern Commonwealth. They had dropped off a portion of antidotes on the west side of the Commonwealth before moving on. Cress's excitement grew as they got closer and closer and she was eager to have the entire Rampion crew once again together.

"Ooh, looks like we've got a welcoming committee," Thorne said as he glanced at the palace's landing pad .

Cress perked up, un-strapping her safety harness and hurrying towards his seat. She stumbled a little as the ship dipped.

"Hey, you're supposed to stay buckled until I flip the switch," he added, aggressively flipping one of the switches on his control panel up and down.

"I'm sorry; I'm just excited to see everyone!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Would you sit back down though? I'm nervous enough trying to land, you bouncing around isn't helping."

Cress wrapped both her arms around one of his, grinning excitedly. With a less-than-sincere glare, Thorne wound his hand around hers and kissed her fingers before she reluctantly scurried back to her seat.

The moment the Rampion touched the tarmac, Thorne started flipping switches and making sure the ship was securely landed before giving the all-clear to de-board. Cress leapt up again and peered through one of the windows, pressing her hands against the glass and her eyes widening.

"C'mon." Thorne grabbed her hand and they met Scarlet and Wolf in the cargo bay.

"Everyone grab a crate, we've still gotta get these last ones to the palace research labs." 

Cress nodded, following everyone's example and grabbing the biggest crate she could hold. As the hatch opened and warm air spilled inside, Cress tingled with excitement. She couldn't remember how many times she had looked at this place on the net and done countless hacks and security jobs around the palace itself. It was strange to now be here again.

Several royal guards stepped up as they descended, asking for their security clearance.

"Cress?" Thorne asked.

She flipped her portscreen around, flashing it beneath the guard's scanner.

"Welcome to the Eastern Commonwealth, Captain Thorne," the head guard said.

Cress grinned proudly, standing up a little straighter. She nudged Thorne with her elbow and he smirked at her. One of the guards took the crate from her, while the rest of them boarded the Rampion and said they'd finish unloading the crates and hook her up to the auxiliary power.

"Emperor Kaito has rooms prepared for each of you, if you'll come with me."

Thorne nodded, putting an arm around Cress's shoulders. "Suddenly he's too good to personally greet the crew that saved the world," he mumbled.

Cress giggled, seeing through his façade. She stole a glance at Wolf. He looked extra alert and held on to Scarlet tighter than he normally did.

Cress's attention was stolen by the palace itself. Standing tall and magnificent, with cherry blossom trees around the courtyard and polished marbles lining the walkway, it was even better than she remembered. She couldn't wait to see the inside during the day and distraction free. As they neared the palace entrance, a figure darted into view.


And Cinder and Iko!

"Oh great, Sunshine's here," Thorne muttered as Jacin and Winter walked into view. 

Cress didn't hear him as she ran forward and eagerly hugged Iko. The next few minutes were a blur as excited greetings were exchanged, hugs were given, and voices rose in volume. Suddenly things were the way they were supposed to be again. The Rampion crew was together at last and everything was right in the world.

Cress grinned excitedly, trying to think of something to say. Cinder and Thorne started talking (Thorne keeping his arm around Cress), Scarlet and Winter started talking (Winter never letting go of Jacin's hand), Kai and Jacin started talking—even Wolf jumped in at some point.

"Come on, you guys are probably starving; we've got a buffet waiting," Kai finally said, taking Cinder's hand. With everyone paired up in their natural states, the group started down the wide and beautiful corridor.

Much to Cress's disappointment, they were walking way too quickly for her to fully appreciate the beauty of her surroundings. It was much different than the palace on Luna, but equally beautiful in its own way. She could see the Commonwealth's history mirrored on the walls and in the faces of the emperors before Kai. Glancing down at her shorts and shirt she suddenly felt underdressed. At least she had worn the lacey blue top and not the computer tee.

Her pace involuntarily slowed as her eyes settled on a beautiful painting handing on the wall. She guessed it was Kai's father based on the likeness.

Thorne tugged her hand and she quickened her steps. "I'm sure we'll get a tour later," he whispered.

Stepping into the dinning room, Kai nodded towards a buffet on the far end of the room loaded with food. Cress felt a sense of déjà vu, happier this time because everyone was here.

Pausing by the window, she looked out over New Beijing. It looked a lot bigger standing over it than it did in the pictures and vids she had seen. She wondered how many people waking around down on the streets were Lunars. Or shells. Lightly frowning, Cress wondered if any of the other shells with her had survived or if they were all eventually killed. She shivered, despite the warmth of the weather.

"So how goes the distribution?" Cinder asked, taking a seat beside Kai.

"So far so good," Scarlet replied. "Thorne's not half bad."

"Thanks," Thorne deadpanned.

Cress had partially expecting Cinder to be wearing a dress fit for the queen of Luna, but no. She was dressed in dark pants and a loose fitting blouse. Iko and Winter were more dressed up than she was.

"Is Cinder still Cinder? Or do we need to call her Queen Selene?" Cress whispered to Thorne.

He scoffed. "She doesn't call me 'captain'; I'm not calling her 'queen' anything."

Across the room, Cinder made a face at him that he then mimicked back to her.

"So when is the ball?" Scarlet asked, helping herself to a bowl of soup with noodles and veggies.

"Two weeks."

"Just enough time to go net-shopping!" Iko added excitedly. "I assumed neither you nor Cress has."

"No... but I think I'll be fine. I'm not one for... fancy dresses anyway, so I'll just find something simple and elegant," Scarlet said, waving her hand dismissively in the air.

"You can borrow one of my dresses if you want," Winter added.

Iko turned to Cress, her expression hopeful. "I've been waiting since the moment we started towards your satellite to take you shopping, please don't deprive me of this moment."

Cress smiled self-consciously, trying to ignore the faces that were turned toward her. "Yeah, yeah that sounds perfect."

Iko beamed, her eyes turning an even brighter yellow than they already were.

**My personal instagram! abigailspaggiari

***And please feel free to either comment or message me suggestions if you have a Cress/Thorne idea! :D

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