Chapter Thirty Eight

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"In the galley!" Cress, on her hands and knees scrubbing at the floor, sank back on her heels as Carswell jogged up to the three steps.

"What are you doing?"



"Cause it's messy in here. And I want to decorate for Christmas."

"It's not even Thanksgiving yet."

"I know, but Scarlet said she'd going to put up Christmas decorations on Friday. I thought I'd clean everything and make it nice and homey so we could do the same."

Carswell smiled.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Can I do anything to help?"

Cress shook her head, standing up and dumping the bucket of dirty water down the sink. "Nah."

"Okay, then the guys and I are going to go into town and get a bunch of stuff Scarlet needs for tomorrow. You need or want anything?"

Cress shook her head, grabbing a towel from the counter and dropping it on the floor. "No, I'm good."

Carswell nodded, turning to leave.

Cress used her foot on the towel to dry the floor.


Cress looked up.

"Can I ask you a weird question?"


"What did you think about the wedding? Scarlet and Wolf's."

"I thought it was great."

"You didn't think they missed out on having a big wedding with the usual festivities and stuff?"

Cress shrugged one shoulder. "No. I mean Wolf said Scarlet was really stressed about the whole thing so I doubt she wanted the big wedding."

Carswell looked like he wanted to say something else but he laughed instead. "Yeah, true."

Cress lightly frowned.

"Alright, see you in a bit."

Cress shrugged to herself, turning back to her work. As soon as she finished drying the floors, she moved into the living area of the ship and started the long process all over again. With a grunt, she gathered up the throw blankets and pillows and couch cushions and threw them outside. She'd beat them later.

Switching the net screen on to a popular 2nd era sitcom, she proceeded to get the cobwebs off the high ceiling, dust every single surface (of which there were a lot), and sweep the floor. She noticed clouds starting to roll in so she shook out the blankets and pillows before arranging them back on to the sofa and chairs.


Cress paused before spraying the window. "In here!"

Footsteps thudded down the corridor until Scarlet was standing in the entry way. "I was gonna bake the pies for tomorrow and thought you might want to make cookies while the boys are in town."

"Yes!" Cress hurried to her feet, brushing her dress off and following Scarlet back through the corridors and into the air. The temperature had dropped and she involuntarily shivered.

"Storm's coming," Scarlet said.

Cress's eyes widened and she cast another glance at the sky. She hadn't ever seen a snowstorm. Aces, it'll be snowing or raining outside, we'll be making cookies... Her grin intensified as they walked in through the front door.

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