Eighty Four

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Much to Thorne's disappointment, and Cress's relief, there wasn't so much of a hint of another attack the entirety of the following week. He, Cinder, Kai, Scarlet, and Wolf kept up on the patrols and Cress set up a security alert system just in case.

"How are you still making antidotes?" Cress asked one morning during breakfast.

"A volunteer program." Cinder replied as she dished up a spoonful of eggs. "I was surprised as just how many shells were eager to volunteer."

Cress grinned and Thorne winked at her.

"Want a tour of the facilities?" Cinder asked. She almost laughed. "It's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, sure that'll be fun. You know I don't think I've been in a room with another shell since I was 9." She added.


"I don't think so. Maybe and I just didn't know it." She added with a shrug.

"I might have to abstain. Needles and blood—" Thorne shook his head.

"You're such a baby."

Thorne leveled a glare at Cinder. "Take that back."

Cinder glared right back. "Will not."

Thorne slammed his fork down on the table. "Kai—?"

"Leave me out of it." Kai said without even looking up from the portscreen he was reading.

Cress laughed.

"You're not helping." Thorne shot at her.

"You're the one who's scared of a little needle!"

"I'm not scared of needles! It's the getting stabbed by them I'm not to crazy about. It's a very common phobia." He added, shoving away from the table.

"So does that mean you don't want to come?" Cress asked as he started towards the door.

"I'll go, it's not like there are rogue soldiers running around or anything." Thorne started down the corridor towards their room, which wasn't nearly as big as the one they'd stayed in back at the palace but he didn't really mind. Taking a quick shower, Thorne dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He'd just finished getting dressed when Cress walked in.

"You're not really irritated with Cinder, are you?"

Thorne smirked. "No, why?"

"Just checking." Cress grinned.

"When are we going to the volunteer lab?"

"Kai's getting a transport ready."

"Awesome." Thorne gave her a thumbs up, reaching for his port as Cress ducked into the bathroom

Twenty minutes later and they walking into the entrance of a separate building, much different than Thorne was expecting. It looked new—whitewashed walls, clear glass windows, flowers sprouting up from the concrete.

"This doesn't look so dreadful." Cress murmured. "I was expecting something darker and... more intimidating."

"So was I." Thorne agreed, holding the door for her, Cinder, and Kai.

"How many times have you been here?" Cress asked, glancing at Cinder.

Cinder shrugged. "A few. Mainly to 'oversee'—one of my responsibilities as former Queen—but a few times to help."

Cress glanced around, smiling.

Thorne had to admit it was a relatively pleasant atmosphere. Though it being a science lab/clinic still made him wary.

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