Chapter Forty Two

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"I think I want to cut my hair again," Cress announced, sitting on the edge of Thorne's bed.

"Oh yeah?" Thorne mumbled, still sprawled half-asleep in bed. He flopped onto his back, dragging a hand down his face as he blinked his eyes open.

"Yeah. What do you think?" she asked, turning around and crawling back towards him.

Thorne grinned, tugging on the ends of her hair. "I think you look absolutely amazing no matter what your hair looks like."

"But do you like it short?"


Cress chewed her lip, faintly grinning.

"Do it."


He nodded. "Or I could do it again for you."

Cress laughed. "Nah, I'll try a professional this time."

"Okay fine, have it your way. I would have given you a discount."

Cress rolled her eyes, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Wait, wait, come snuggle some more; it's too early to get up."

"It's nine."

"Holy spades, is it really?" Thorne lifted his head and glanced at the clock on the nightstand.


"Well... whatever." Thorne closed his eyes again, pulling her down against him.

Cress yelped, trying to keep herself from slipping. "Do you want to come with me?"

"To the hair salon?"


"Sure, why not? Maybe I'll get a little pampering myself."

Cress nodded, fingering with his hair. "I think you should." She grinned. "We could go today?"

"Let's do it."

Cress grinned, starting to get up.

Thorne held fast, digging his fingers into her sides.

Cress let out a high pitched shriek as she fell back against him, squirming and laughing. "No, no! Stop it!"

"What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," Thorne said, laughing along with her.

Cress's continued laughter filled the room, but Thorne finally let her go. "You're horrible!" she cried, smacking his shoulder. He knew she wasn't really mad by the smile on her face.

"And you're adorable. You're like an angry little mouse."

Cress grunted, shoving his shoulder again. She pushed herself up but Thorne managed to grab her hand before she escaped.

"Aw come on, don't be mad."

"You're uninvited to my hair salon trip," she declared.

"Then I guess I'll have to go as a hot single guy completely unattached."

"You do that and you'll be going as a hot single guy completely unattached for the rest of your life."

"Fair enough. Marry me." The words left his mouth before he had the change to catch himself.

Cress giggled, raising her eyebrows as if waiting for the punch line of a joke.

Thorne felt warmth creep to his face and for once he couldn't think of anything funny or sarcastic to say to break the tension or take back what he said. "Sorry, that—" Thorne pushed himself off, carefully pushing Cress off him. "I didn't..."

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