The Cresswell Wedding

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Cress nervously tapped her foot against the side of the vanity. She was too nervous to look at herself in the mirror, worried that she didn't look at pretty as she wanted to feel. Which was vain, she knew, but with Winter and Scarlet and Iko fluttering around all looking amazing and stunning and perfect she struggled not to feel like the baby of the group.

Scarlet said something and Iko laughed, though her hands never stopped smoothing and twisting and pinning Cress's hair in a partial updo. She had decided it looked better with the dress not completely up. Winter did Cress's makeup, which she kept minimal—just some mascara and a little lip stain.

"You don't think I should put some foundation on or something?" Cress asked, chewing the inside of her cheek and wishing she wasn't so nervous.

"No, why?"

"I don't know, to hide my freckles."

"Stars, no! Your freckles are adorable." Winter's eyes widened in sincerity.

Cress faintly smiled.

"Where's your dress—? Ow!" Scarlet gasped as Winter tugged a piece of her hair that had fallen from it's braid.

"The closet."  

As soon as Winter fixed Scarlet's hair, Scarlet stood up and crossed the room to Cress's closet and pulled out her white dress. It was simple, made of plain white gauze that cinched at her waist and had a v-neck that tied around her neck in a halter top. Cress's favorite part about it was that it fell all the way to the ground and swished around her feet when she walked and flared out to a circle when she spun really fast.

"Oh it's so pretty!" Scarlet grinned as she hung it up on the door. "What shoes are you wearing?"

"Those." Cress pointed towards a pair of white lace up shoes. She was glad when Iko didn't pressure her into wearing heels. Quite the opposite, actually, she almost insisted she wear flats that could be easily removed.

"Oh those are cute."

"Okay, what do you think? Flowers or no?" Iko asked as she held up a delicate wreath of flowers.

"Flowers." Cress grinned.

Iko grinned, moving behind Cress again as she settled the wreath on her head and then made some adjustments to her hair. "Alright, take a looksie."

Cress exhaled shortly, turning so she could look at her reflection. A smile immediately spread on her face. Iko had worked her magic once again. Her hair was perfect. Gentle waves danced down her shoulders and the top half was done back in a curly braid with the crown of flowers woven around and resting across the top of her head.

"Well?" Iko asked.

"It's looks good."

"Good? It looks good?"

"Perfect! It looks perfect." Cress laughed.

Iko glanced at her port watch. "Good, okay we're good on time. Why don't you go get dressed? Scarlet, Winter, you're both ready?"

"Yep." Scarlet gave Iko a thumbs up as Cress disappeared inside the closer. She sank back against the door, glad to have a moment to herself. Her eyes stung with unshed tears and she blinked to keep them from spilling over.

"Cress, you need any help?" Iko asked, lightly tapping on the door.

"No, I'm good. Sorry the zipper just got stuck," Cress said, pushing herself up and hurriedly undressing. She stepped into her dress, pulling it up and holding the ties around her neck. She wished there was a mirror in here so she could check her face and make sure her cheeks weren't red.

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