Chapter Fifty Six

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Cress sucked in a breath, blinking her eyes open and snapping her head up. Carswell was crouched in front of her bed, a mischievous smile on his face.

"I'll see you in a week," he whispered, leaning in to give her a kiss.

"What? Where are you going?"

His grin intensified. "To finish getting ready for our wedding."

Cress faintly groaned, sleep tugging at her lids. "Without me?"

"Yeah. Winter and Iko are flying in to keep you company and help with moving everything from the Rampion to the apartment, and Jacin will get here in another five or six days to fly you all out—" he stopped, barely managing to catch himself.

Cress raised her eyebrows.

"Anyway, I need to go. My flight is in an hour, so I'll see you in a few days. I love you."

"Love you too," Cress mumbled as he kissed her. She gave up trying to get hints out of him.

Carswell stood up and disappeared.

Cress stared after him for a solid minute, a sudden pang of loneliness washing over her. She wouldn't see him for five days. Sliding back down to her pillow, Cress let her eyes drift close and she didn't wake up again until she heard Iko.


"In here!" Cress stifled a yawn, pushing herself up. The ground was cold against her bare feet and she awkwardly tugged on a pair of socks as she hopped out into the hall.

"Stars were you still asleep?"

Cress blinked. "It's only seven."

Iko rolled her eyes. "Fine, go sit down and wake up. I'll make you and Winter something to eat, what do you feel like?"

"You don't have to do that," Cress added as she curled up on the sofa and grabbed the blanket.

"Well I'm not going to sit around waiting for you to wake up so I may as well help the process along. Coffee?"

"Yes please."

Iko nodded, disappearing inside the galley.

Winter sank down beside Cress. "Are you excited?"

Cress nodded. "Do you know where we're going?"

"Yes, but I have been sworn to secrecy. Thorne threatened to take my t-shirt away."

Cress threw her head back. 

"Pancakes okay?" Iko asked.

"Sounds perfect, thank you Iko." Winter called. Turning to Cress she asked, "So where's the new apartment?"

Cress grinned, getting up and waving Winter towards the window. "See that building right there?"


"Our window is eight up and four from the left."

Winter gasped. "It looks so pretty."

"I know!" Cress squealed. "And it's so big and beautiful, and inside our apartment there's like a mini second floor with a huge bedroom and bathroom and one of the walls had this enormous window that overlooks for forest. Ugh, I can't wait to decorate it!"

"Have you looked at any furniture?" Iko called from the galley.

Cress shook her head. "No. We just got here a few days ago. We probably won't get to do much until after the wedding."

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