Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight

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"So you all are coming to the palace for Christmas, right? That's the tradition we have going? Here for Thanksgiving, Commonwealth for Christmas," Cinder said with a shrug, glancing around.

Thorne glanced at Cress, who eagerly nodded.

"Yeah, I'd be into that," Scarlet replied.

Thorne glanced at Wolf, who was holding Nova again. She was supposed to have gone down for a nap about twenty minutes ago but she fell asleep on him and he said he was fine with her. Something told Thorne they were going to have a super hard time prying her away when it was time to go back home.

Cress yawned, leaning back on the sofa. Outside the sky had darkened and though their Thanksgiving dinner had ended hours ago, everyone was still to full to move. Except Wolf, who'd already had thirds of everything.

"Same." Wolf, lightly patting Nova's back, nodded.

"I don't know. Being waited on all the time, sleeping in a bed bigger then our living room..." Thorne shrugged. "Doesn't really appeal to me."

"You're such a liar." Cinder rolled her eyes.

Thorne stuck his tongue out. He slung an arm around Cress and played with the ends of her hair. The netscreen was on, but the game had long since ended.

"Knock-knock, is there any food left?"

Everyone turned as the front door opened.

"Winter!" Cress squealed, leaping up. Jacin trailed in after Winter, shouldering their bags that he set down just inside.

"Hey you made it!" Scarlet grinned, giving Winter and then Jacin a hug.

"I hope it's okay we didn't call ahead of time, I wanted it to be a surprise," Winter said with a grin.

"Of course, you guys are welcome anytime." Scarlet took one of the bags from Jacin, starting down the hall to the empty room.

"Where's the baby?"

"Wolf has her—good luck," Iko said with a glare toward Wolf.

Wolf smiled smugly. He looked over at Winter. "She's asleep."

"That's okay, I can hold her late. Oh my stars, she's beautiful," Winter cooed as she walked around the sofa and lightly stroked Nova's cheek. 

"Takes after Cress."

"Excuse me." Thorne frowned, offended. "I'm pretty too."

"We know, Captain, but you're more of a rugged and hansom pretty, whereas Cress is more feminine and cute pretty." Winter studied Nova. "She's clearly not rugged."

Thorne blinked, not sure if she was teasing him or being series. It was so hard to tell sometimes.

"Oh please can I hold her Wolf?" Winter begged, lacing her hands together and resting her chin atop them.

"Those eyes don't work on me, but sure." Wolf conceded, carefully passing Nova over to Winter. Nova let out a little grunt at being disrupted but she quickly went right back to sleep.

"There's food in the kitchen, Jacin, go help yourself," Scarlet said when she came back out.

"Thanks." Jacin paused behind Winter just long enough to look at Nova before disappearing into the kitchen.

"I'm so happy now, the entire Rampion Crew is here!" Cress grinned, sinking back in her seat and sighing dreamily.

"The Rampion Crew and the Junior Rampion Crew," Winter added.

"The Junior Rampion Crew consisting of one?"

"So far. Just give it time."

Thorne laughed. "I think we started a trend, Damsel."

"Ah yes because no married couple ever thought to have babies before the two of you." Cinder laughed.

Jacin came back in with two plates, handing one to Winter who managed to cradle Nova with one arm and eat with the other.

Everyone talked and caught up until nearly midnight. Thorne noticed after Cress fed Nova at ten, she started to grow quiet and at one point she leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. He didn't realize it until he laughed at something Wolf said and she startled awake.

"Oh I'm sorry," he murmured, kissing her forehead. "What time is it?"

"After twelve," Kai said.

"Oof, it's past my bedtime." Thorne stood up, moving slowly and keeping an arm around Cress as he did so.

"Same. Thanks for dinner Scarlet."

"You got it."

Thorne gently took Nova from Kai who had her at that point, and wrapped her blanket around her so she's stay warm on the walk back to the Rampion. Poor Cress barely made it back before collapsing in bed.

Thorne put Nova down and then dropped beside Cress.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora