Chapter Forty

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When she woke, Cress found herself tangled in blankets. She brushed away the hair that managed to get in front of her face, snuggling deeper beneath the crisp sheets. She was still wearing her grey sweats. Carswell must have carried her to bed late last night.

Glancing through the window, glad it was still raining, Cress rolled onto her back and cushioned her head in her hands. It was only 7, Carswell was probably still asleep.

Grinning, Cress pushed herself up and crept down the corridor towards his room. He was flopped on his stomach, one arm cradling his head. Being as careful as possible, she slid in beside him and snaked her arm across his back. She froze.

He didn't have a shirt on.

"Hey Damsel," he mumbled, turning over and scooping her against him. Against his bare chest—which was remarkably chiseled. His rigorous workout routines over the past months had really begun to show and she was glad his eyes stayed closed so he didn't see her reddening face.

"Hey," she murmured, her voice shaking.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Cress lightly shook her head, settling against his warm shoulder. "It's Thanksgiving."

"Is it? Aces, I totally forgot," he deadpanned, his eyes still closed.

Cress giggled. Her own eyes had just drifted closed again when she realized Scarlet was probably up and working. "I should probably go help Scarlet."

"Or you could stay here and help her later." Carswell mumbled, tightening his arms around her. "And pay attention to me."

Cress grinned to herself. "Okay." She sighed. "What are you going to wear? Like it is casual or dressier?"

"I don't know. I was just gonna wear jeans and a sweater."

Cress nodded. She drifted into a light sleep only to wake again an hour or so later when Carswell murmured he was going to take a shower.

"I'll go get dressed, then," Cress said.

"Wear your blue sweater."

Cress quirked her head. "Why?"

"Just do it." He winked before disappearing inside the washroom.

Quickly pushing herself off and running her fingers through her hair as she started toward her own room, Cress changed into a pair of dark jeans and a sky-blue sweater before pulling on her leather boots. She had just started towards the galley to grab a granola bar when Carswell appeared in the doorway—wearing a sweater almost identical to hers.

"Hey twin." He grinned, spreading his hands outs.

Cress laughed, clasping her hands under her chin. "We're matching!"

"Cutest couple ever." He stooped to kiss her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up.

Cress snaked her hands up through his hair. "Definitely."

"Alright, come on, let's get these Thanksgiving festivities underway," he said, nudging her waist as he set her down.

Cress's grin intensified as he laced his hand through hers and they started toward the cargo bay.

"Hey Cinder! Let's go," Carswell said, banging his fist on her wall as they passed.

Rain was sill falling so they ran towards the house. At least the recent rainfalls had kept the reporters away.

"Well so glad you decided to join us," Cinder drawled when they walked in.

"Thanks for waiting."

"Like you waited for us?"

"I banged on your wall."

"How thoughtful." Cinder's attention darted to Cress, sweeping her up and down before darting back to Carswell. A smirk tugged at her mouth. "Are you matching?"

"Jealous again? Really?"

"Hardly," Cinder retorted as Kai walked up behind her and slung an arm over her shoulders.

Cress rolled her eyes, and she and Kai simultaneously cast each other "I'm so over this" looks.

"Breakfast is ready!" Winter called.

"Hey, where's Scarlet?" Cress asked.

"In the living room. She tried to come down at five, but I made her go back upstairs and sleep in so I could take care of breakfast," Winter said as she brought out dish after dish and set them on the table.

"Need any help?"

"Nope, it's all done! Help yourselves."

Cress took a plate Winter handed her, following behind Cinder and Scarlet and dishing herself a cinnamon roll, some eggs and sausage, and a croissant.

"Should we really be stuffing ourselves for breakfast?" Cinder asked as she sank down on the ground in front of Kai who was seated on the sofa. She handed him a plate.

"I'll be hungry again," Wolf said.

A rippled of laughter went around the room.

"Me too." Winter added.

"Everything's delicious, Winter," Carswell said as he came in and sat beside Cress.

"Mm-hm," someone else mumbled, though Cress wasn't sure who. She was busy digging into her own sweet roll, swirling it in icing that had pooled on her plate.

"You're eyes are so pretty."

Cress looked up, a little surprised to see Winter looking right at her with a look of deep concentration.

"Thanks, I know," Carswell replied around a bite of sausage.

"I was talking to Cress."

"Oh." Carswell looked over at her. "Eh, they're alright." He winked at her so she knew he was teasing.

"Thanks, Winter," Cress murmured, a little bit of heat climbing her cheeks.

"They're almost as pretty as Jacin's," she added, casting a heart-stopping smile at Jacin.

"Thorne's almost as pretty as me, too." Jacin said, casually slicing into a piece of melon.

"What are you talking about? I'm way prettier than you."

"Can Cress braid your hair?"

Carswell blinked. "No. It's to short."

Jacin shrugged. "Winter can braid mine." He tapped his chest with a finger. "Prettier."

"I could do a little braid." Cress set her plate down and sectioned off a small piece of Carswell's hair towards the top that was a little longer. She managed to get four chinks of a braid in. She had to swallow a laugh as her weak attempt at a braid stuck out away from his head. "There."

Carswell smirked smugly, leaving it in tact. "Looks like I'm back on top."

"No it really doesn't."


"You're both the prettiest and fairest in the land, okay?"

"Ah-hem." Kai loudly cleared his throat.

Cinder cast half a glare at him. "What? You're prettier; they're just tied for second."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that is not true," Carswell said at the same time Jacin adamantly shook his head.

"At the very least we're all tied for first."

"Yeah—no, I'm the prettiest and you two clowns are second."

"Cinder says different."

"Yeah well Cinder's wrong. Scarlet?"

"Don't drag me into this. You kids figure out your own problems." Scarlet chuckled.

Cress laughed.

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