Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five

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Cress stifled a yawn, leaning against Carswell as he played another hand. She still wasn't a fan of Royals, but everyone except her and Kai seemed to enjoy it and she really didn't mind watching so long as she didn't have to play.

Nova, currently being held by Cinder, let out half a whimper. 

Cress's gaze snapped over to her and she inwardly tensed, watching as Cinder adjusted her hold and started gently patting Nova's backside. Carswell didn't so much as flinch, watching the play in front of him.

Something dinged in the kitchen and Scarlet stood up.

"No one look at my hand, I gotta check dinner," she said.

"You sure you don't want any help?" Cinder asked.

"Nah. But it's ready, so you can all come make a plate."

Everyone tossed their cards on the table in a silent agreement that the game was over. Cress, almost timidly, stood up when Cinder did and reached for Nova. Cinder passed her over with a grin, taking Kai's hand when he held it out to her and starting into the kitchen.

"You want me to get you something to eat?" Carswell asked.

Cress nodded, flashing him a smile. "Thanks." She sank back down on the sofa, leaning her head carefully against Nova's. She'd started to suck her thumb, her eyes closed.

Carswell came back into the living room, armed with two plates, and settled back on the sofa beside her. "Shall I feed you?" he asked, holding up one of the forks loaded with a bite of deep fried chicken.

"Yes please." Cress laughed.

"So how's parenthood treating you two?" Scarlet asked, waving her own fork between Cress and Carswell.

"So far so good. She's a pretty chill baby," Caswell replied, shrugging as he spoke. He glanced at Cress and she nodded her agreement.

"Yeah. My goal is to get her sleeping through the night by three months. We'll see if that actually ends up happening." She shrugged.

"Does she sleep up in your room?"

Cress choked on a laugh. "She did for like one night. But I kept waking up every time she made the smallest noise so we moved her downstairs to her room."

Scarlet smirked.

Everyone talked for a while longer and at some point it started raining. Scarlet stood up to clear plates, Cinder and Kai following to help.

"I'll do the dishes tomorrow, I just want to get the pans in to soak," Scarlet said.

"I can clean up. You always do all the work," Iko added.

Carswell took Cress's plate, stacking it on his and then bringing it to the kitchen. "What's for dessert?"

Scarlet whipped him with a towel and be barely managed to step out of the way in time. "Aren't you worried about your figure?" she asked. "Gotta keep the fans happy, you know."


Cress giggled, shaking her head. She lightly patted Nova's back, smiling down at her when her eyes barely blinked open. Behind her, Wolf leaned his forearms on the back of the sofa, his eyes settled on Nova. He lightly grazed her cheek with his index finger.

"She's so little."

Cress nodded. She tilted her head back so she could look at him. "You wanna hold her?" she asked, knowing he was the only one who hadn't yet.

Wolf shook his head but the smile never left his face. "Nah. I might break her."

Cress scoffed, standing up. "You won't break her. C'mon," she said, taking Wolf's wrist and pulling him around to her side of the sofa. He'd gone stiff, sitting down on the sofa. "You want to hold her up or down?"

He jerked his shoulder in a shrug. "How you're holding her."

Cress nodded, turning Nova around and setting her in Wolf's arms and then helping him adjust his hold on her so it was more comfortable for him. Nova seemed to shrink even more in his massive arms, but he held her just as gently as Cress was. Probably even more so. Nova let out a grunt at being passed to someone else, but she thankfully didn't start crying.

Wolf held her for a few minutes and Cress could see him gradually beginning to relax with her. At one point, maybe ten minutes in, Nova started to fuss.

"She's just hungry," Cress said when Wolf visibly tensed. "Lemme make her a bottle real quick." She stood up and stooped for her bag, quickly getting water from the kitchen. She glanced back at Nova, more worried for Wolf and not wanting him to stress out. But he seemed to have settled back down and was talking in low, quiet tones.

"Uh-oh. Nova's already got Wolf wrapped around her little finger," Cinder said with a laugh as she walked back out to the living room.

Wolf nodded, unashamed.

Cress came around the sofa with the bottle, fully expecting Wolf to hold Nova out to her but he readjusted Nova so he was cradling her and then reached for the bottle. Swallowing a smile, Cress took the plate of cookies Scarlet handed her and set it on the coffee table and then settled on one of the arm chairs opposite the sofa.

"So what time do the festivities tomorrow start?" Carswell asked as he took a cookie.

"Dinner's at 3, as per usual," Scarlet said. "And Cinder figured out a way to get our netscreen connected or whatever to a few American channels so we can watch the football game."

"Oh fun!"

"I wish Winter and Jacin could have come," Cress added with a sigh.

"I know me too," Carswell deadpanned. He picked up a few cookies from the plate. "Ooh these are good." 

Cress lightly nudged him with her foot and he shot her a wink.

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