Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three

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Cress tugged a white cotton dress over her head, smoothing the front of it down and re-tying the ties over her shoulders. Cinder and Kai had flown in late last night and the rest of the crew were supposed to be here today, which meant she was finally going to get to tell everyone she and Carswell were going to have a baby.

With a giddy grin, Cress raked her hands through her hair and tugged on her slip on sneakers before trotting downstairs. Carswell was in the gym and Cress wanted to get a jump on making   breakfast. She'd just pulled out a heaping of ingredients when the front doorbell rang.

Glancing at her watch, Cress trotted downstairs and yanked the front door open.

"Mini friend!" Winter threw her arms around Cress.

Cress grinned excitedly, hugging Winter right back. "You guys are early! I wasn't think you were going to get here until later today."

"We weren't but our flight got changed and Jacin managed to persuade them to get us on a sooner plane."

"Ah." Cress grinned at Jacin, hauling several bags.

"Hey shortcake. Nice place."

"Thanks. So there's four rooms left for you guys to choose from--I think Cinder and Kai are down that corridor," she said, pointing up the stairs toward the right wing, "and  Carswell and I are just a few doors down, so you can take your  pick."

"Great. Whichever one's closest," Jacin added with a nod to the luggage. He started up the stairs and disappeared.

"My stars this place is beautiful," Winter said with a sigh.

"Isn't it? I wish I could take credit for it, but Carswell's parents  furnished  the place so... we literally just showed up and moved in."

"How nice of them." Winter smiled, almost sadly, and it wasn't hard to guess she was thinking of her own parents. "So, tour?"

Cress nodded, walking around the entire first floor. By the time they finished, Jacin, Kai, and Cinder were coming down the stairs.

"When are Scarlet and Wolf getting here?" Cinder asked after Winter almost suffocated her in a hug.

"I think later this morning. I was gonna make us all something to eat now and leave some for Wolf."

"Yeah, poor guy will starve from the plane to the house," Kai added with a smirk.

Cress giggled, walking back to the kitchen and starting on the cinnamon rolls.

"What can I do to help?" Winter asked, walking around the other side of the island.

"Nothing, I've got it--you're the guest."

"I know but I like helping." Winter shrugged, still smiling.

"Okay, um, I just need to bake the cinnamon rolls cause I did them last night, but I also have eggs and sausage and then some coffee."


"Don't let her touch the coffee!" Cinder said from the living room.

Cress arched her eyebrows, glancing back at Winter who rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, she makes it strong enough to defend itself, trust me on this. I didn't sleep for days when she and Jacin came to the palace a few weeks ago," Cinder added.

"Then you make the coffee, dearest cousin, since you're so particular." Winter tossed her silky hair over her shoulder, reaching instead for the carton of eggs and bowl.

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