Chapter 60

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Jungkook POV

Today is Joonseok's birthday. He is turning one year old and Jin hyung is super excited. The party was going to be around noon but it was only 8am and he was already preparing things. 'Hyung isn't it a bit too early to be setting up things?" "Jungkook it's already 8am and I have so much to do! Instead of complaining why don't you help me?!" "Alright I'm going." Jimin was fast asleep while I was helping set up the party. "Hyung I'm tired." "It's only been 15 minutes but you can fuck Jimin for a whole day and night!" "B-be quiet!" "Now I know how to make you shy~" "Hyung." I whined making him laugh. 

"Alright I won't make fun of you but keep setting up this stuff while I make breakfast." "Okay." While he was making his delicious five star breakfast I was setting up stuff. Just as I finished up I felt arms around my waist. Immediately I could tell it was Jimin since his arms couldn't fit around me. "Hi baby did you just wake up?" "How do you know it's me?" "Your arms don't fit around my waist entirely so I can tell it's you." "Even my arms are tiny." ''But they're cute." I turned around and hugged him. "You're so cute." 'Of course I am." Without a warning I threw him over my shoulder making him yell and giggle. "Jungkook put me down!" "Never." 

He was wiggling around trying to get out of my grip. "I'm gonna drop you." Saying that he stayed still and stopped moving. 'Good boy." I smacked his ass causing him to yelp and bite my neck. "Why must you bite me?" "You smacked my ass so I get to bite you." "Fine." He continued to bite me till I put him down on the couch. "I want you to carry me." "Be a good boy and maybe I'll think about it." I saw his pout making me smile. "Awww you're such a cute little baby. Come to daddy." Instantly he crawled over to me and sat on my lap. "Such a good baby I have here." His eyes went to my thighs making me curious. 

"Baby what'd I say about staring?" "N-not to." "Good boy." I pet him and let him look at my leg. 'Baby." "Yes daddy?" "Why does my baby keep staring?" "Daddy is pretty." "Baby I keep telling you not to look." "But I want to." "I'm gonna have to punish you." "No I don't want a punishment." "Well if you keep looking I'm gonna have to." That made him whine. "Don't whine." "I will whine all I want.' I smacked his ass causing him to gasp. "How dare you." "I said you would get a punishment in you kept on doing that." His eyes watered every time I smacked the jibooty. Since he was being a brat I gave him 15 spanks. "That should teach you." 

As soon as I was done I brought him into a tight hug. "Oh I'm sorry baby but you had to get a punishment." Soon I felt wetness on my shoulder and felt him shaking. 'Aigoo don't cry baby." I carried him around for a little bit before he stopped crying. 'Is my baby ok now?" He nodded and bit my shoulder. 'Yup I deserved that."  I heard a giggle from behind me. When I turned around Jungmin was standing there giggling. 'Hi Jungmin." "Hi kookie." That made me smile know he wasn't calling me mister anymore. 'You wanna eat something?" "Yeah!" "Alright Jin hyung should be done cooking breakfast.' With that said he walked to the kitchen. 

Just when I was going to sit down I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Yoongi hyung was looking around calling out for his kitty. "Kitty! Kit kat where are ou?" 'Yoongles where's your kitty?" "I-I o know kookie!" 'Let me help you look for her." "O-okay." I helped him look around the house but there was no cat anywhere. 'Y-yooni kitty gone?" The way he said could make anyone aw at him. 'I'm sure we'll find her." He nodded and sat on the couch pouting. Where's Mi Cha? Probably asleep. I should go wake her up now. It was already 9am so it was a good time to wake her up. As I was walking upstairs I heard crying coming from her room.

 My eyes widened and I quickly opened the door. She was crying making me worry. When I looked in her crib Kit Kat was inside. 'There you are!" The cat looked up at me making me smile. 'Yoongi was looking for you." I picked up Mi Cha and Kit Kat at the same time. 'Shh don't cry anymore you're with your daddy now." Her cries stopped and she looked up at me. 'Good girl." Her eyes just stared into mine making me look away. I walked downstairs and sat at the table. 'Yoongles!" There was footsteps heard making me smile. "Here is your kitty." His face lit up when I handed her to him. 'Thank you kookie!" He cuddled his kitty and smiled so happily. 

"Baby you need to wake up now." "Mmm I wan sweep daddy." "Come on baby you need to eat.' 'N-nu hungy." 'So you don't want pancakes?" "N-nu." "Then I'll eat them all myself." I heard him whine making me shake him. 'Baby come on." I put a piece of food in front of his mouth poking his lips with it. After a while he finally ate it making me smile. 'What a good boy I have here." "Jungkook he is a human not a dog." "But he's my good boy." They shook their heads and went back to eating. 

2 hours later

After everyone finished eating it was time for the party. Jin hyung went to get Joonseok ready while I did a final check on the house. 

It was a cute little set up

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It was a cute little set up. Jimin pouted when he saw the stuff. After setting up the presents and making sure everything was in place or else I would get no food for a month. There was noise coming down the stairs. "Baby you need to be really quiet." "Why daddy?" "You just have to." "I nu want to." "Than you'll get a spanking." His eyes watered when I said that. "I-I nu wan spankie." "O-oh I'm sorry baby I didn't mean that but you have to be quiet if you want a cupcake." "Okey!" "Shh." He covered his mouth and stayed quiet. 

Just then Jin hyung came over to the area. We all jumped up yelling surprise. Joonseok smiled happily and got carried over to the gifts. "Mama!" When the fuck did he learn how to talk? Jin hyung brought the cake and we started singing happy birthday to him. We helped him blow out the candles and help him open his presents which he was really happy about. Jimin was a good boy the whole time so he got to eat two cupcakes which he was happy about.

 Of course we had lunch which included chicken nuggets, salad, watermelon, cookies, cake, and burgers. We were having a really good time until the door knocked. I went to go answer it and saw someone who I haven't seen in years


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