Chapter 168

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Jungkook POV

"What?! By who!?" "That's the problem. We don't know who. We just got an email but the persons email can't be traced. It's like they just disappeared." "What do we do now?" "We'll have to team up with someone and we know just who." "Who?" "The Ping Pong mafia. The leaders are Kim Hyun-A and her soon to be husband Kim Hyo-jong but they call him Dawn." "How good are they?" "Almost as good as us."  "Should we give them a call?" "Go ahead." 

I got my phone out copying the number that was on the paper. "Hello?" "This the Ping Pong mafia?" "Yes." "It's Jeon." I heard some talking and what sounded like someone hitting someone. "Um what did you need?" "We need you to come over to talk business." "Where you at?" "Cali." "We'll be there soon." I hung up the phone looking at them. "They're coming soon." "Good." "Now find out who's trying to attack us." "Watch your tone I'm still your dad." "Well you're the hacker so find it out." He rolled his eyes going back to work. 

 "Daddy?" "Hi princess." "W-What's going on." "Nothing princess." "W-Will the babies be ok?" "They're gonna be just fine and so will everyone else." He nodded hugging me. "Daddy wove me?" "Yes baby I love you." He smiled climbing on me. "Kissy." I smiled giving him a kiss. "Daddy I wan go pway!" "Then go play." "Wanna play wif daddy." "What does my princess wanna play?" "Hmm I wanna pway... I dunno." I giggled at how confused he looked. 

"How about we play police?" "Powice?" "Yes." "What do we do?" "You hide from me and then I tie you up." "Okey!" "Go hide baby while I get the handcuffs." He giggled running downstairs. I found some handcuffs before going downstairs. "Minnie where are you~" I heard him quietly giggling. He was hiding behind the beanbag. I tiptoed over to him hovering over him. He giggled quickly running away. I ran after him loving to hear his giggles. 

I grabbed him by the waist picking him up. I easily tied him up hearing him laughing. "Jungkook what are you doing to mochi?" "We're playing a game." "No doing anything to him." "I won't." My hands went under his skirt starting to touch him. "Daddy w-what are you doing?" "Nothing." He whined trying to move his hands. "Daddy I-I can't move my hands." "That's the point." 

The guards were there looking at us so to save him the embarrassment I placed him on the couch starting to kiss his neck. He whimpered wrapping his legs around me. While kissing his neck Yoongi Hyung ran out the baby room going to us. "Can't you guys watch your own kids?" "Why?" "Because they're your kids!" "But I'm playing with my baby." "You can do that later but go watch your kid so I can go watch mine!" "Fine." 

I untied my princess carrying him to the playroom. My eyes widened seeing what the kids had done. Paint was all over them and the wall. "Hyung!" "Your kids your problem!" I groaned knowing they would have to take a bath. "Baby can you stay here?" "B-But daddy." "I have to wash the babies." "M-Minnie can help!" He started picking up the kids taking them upstairs. I grabbed the rest taking them upstairs as well. My princess was frustrated trying to turn on the bathtub. "Shh it's alright baby." 

He kept crying not calming down. "It's alright baby, no more crying." "M-Minnie c-can't." I quickly hugged him rubbing his back in a soothing motion. "You want daddy to show you how to do it?" He nodded since he couldn't talk from crying. "Ok come here baby so I can show you." I showed him how to turn on the water which made him calm down a bit. "You wanna help me wash the babies?" "Mhm." "Ok baby come here." I started getting the babies in the water hearing him coo.

 "You have to be careful with them." "O-Okey." He gently washed the little babies but gasped when Jang-mi started crying. "Daddy! D-Did Minnie do something b-bad?" "No baby she's just fussy. She wants to go to bed." "Okey." He sniffled starting to wash the babies again. "No crying baby." He nodded scootching closer to me. I kissed his cheek which made him smile. The babies started whining wanting to stay in longer. "I know but it's time for your nap." 

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