Chapter 112

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Jungkook POV

After my baby was fast asleep I put him next to me making him whine. "Shh go to sleep baby." "Love my bunny." I smiled kissing his head. As I was holding him he smiled getting closer to me. It was already 6 pm and the kids were probably hungry. My mochi was probably not going to let go of me so I had to pry him off of me. "Want my bunny." He whimpered trying to hold something. "Shh, I'm right here baby." I hugged him while petting him. "I'm right here." His tiny fingers were holding onto my shirt tightly. "It's alright baby." He looked so adorable. 

I couldn't help but peck his lips softly. "I'll be right back baby." "Nu want my bunny." "I have to go make food for the kids and then I'll come back to you." "Okey." I got up from the bed covering him with the blankets. The kids were awake and playing together. "Hi guys." "Dada!" "You guys wanna eat?" "Dee!" "Alright what do you guys want to eat?" "Mama!" "No you guys can't eat your mommy, only I can do that." I walked to the kitchen to see what they could eat. There was lots of food in the kitchen but I didn't know what they would want to eat. What could they eat? 

I got some chicken nuggets cooking them. Once they were done I served the kids their food. They are while I went to cuddle my baby. He was sleeping in the blankets curled up which made me smile. He got on top of me hugging me tightly. "Why bunny take long?" "Sorry baby they wanted to eat." "Stay wif me." "I will baby." As he was hugging me I saw his ring on the table. I whined putting it on his finger. For a while I was hugging him feeling bored since there was nothing to do. My baby doesn't like for me to do anything while I cuddle him since he says I move a lot. 

He whined biting my shoulder. "Why's my baby biting me?" "You're breathing too hard." "How am I breathing too hard?" "My bunny is breathing in my ear and it tickles." "Sorry baby." I continued to give him cuddles but he still whined. "What's wrong with my baby?" "Want kissy." "Why didn't you just say so?" I gave him a few pecks before he smiled. "There you go baby." "Nu wan more." "Come here." He scooted closer giving me kisses. I smiled lifting him up so he was in the air. "Bun put me down." "You're so cute." He whined opening his eyes. 

I could tell he was mad for me waking him up. "Fine I'll put you down." I placed him on my chest while rubbing his back. He looked so tired and I felt bad for waking him up. "Sorry for waking you baby." "It's ok." For a while I was hugging him so he was nice and warm. "Bun where babies?" "They're eating." "What are they eating?" "Chicken nuggets." "Nuggies?" He sounded so adorable saying that. "Does my little baby want some?" "Pwease?" "Ok baby stay here while I go get you some." "Okey." I went to get some seeing the kids were done eating.

 I got then down from their chairs letting them go play. "Daddy hungwy!" "I'm going baby." When I got back to the room he was sitting up with a plushie in his hands. "My baby looks so cute." He ate his food so cutely making me want to scream. "Ok baby you stay here while I get your bath ready." "Okey daddy." While he was eating I filled the bath with water and mixed it with bubbles. Jimin likes to wear comfy but cute things so I got one of my hoodies and some shorts for him. "Baby you done?" "Yes." "Ok you have to take a bath now." "Hmm okey."

 I picked him up carrying him to the bathroom. He giggled playing with the bubbles but started whining. "Why is my baby whining?" "Water went in Minnie tushy." "It's alright baby." "Nu wike." "It's only for a little bit and then you'll be clean." "Okey." A few minutes later he was all clean so I got a towel drying him off. "Ok baby let me change you and then you can watch cartoons." Once he was dressed I placed him on the bed putting blankets on him. "Now my baby is cozy." He giggled hugging his plushy and putting a pacifier in his mouth. I cooed at the sight seeing how cute he looked. 

"Why daddy wooking at Minnie?" "You're so cute." "Nu I nu cute." "Yes my baby is." He whined as I hugged him. "Go way." "No I will never go away." I held his hand seeing how small his looked in mine. "Why daddy look at Minnie?" "You're so pretty." "Eeeee!" I giggled kissing his head. "Baby why are you saying you're ugly?" "Me nu say ugwy." "Then what did my baby mean?" "Minnie mean me nu cute." "But my baby is so cute." "Nu." "Yes." He pouted looking away. "You're so cute baby." "Go way daddy." "Whyyy?" "Nu wan my daddy." "Alright I'll leave."

 I got up walking out the door. "Daddyyyy!" He whined. "I'm coming baby." He was sitting on the bed while pouting. "Cuddle." "Thought you didn't want me." "Wove my daddy." "You confuse me baby but I love you too." While he was hugging me tightly I noticed his little hands were holding onto my shirt tightly. "What's wrong baby?" "Hungwy." He started unbuttoning my shirt before drinking my milk. I closed my eyes letting him do what he wanted. For a few minutes he was drinking while I tries to sleep but couldn't. Once he was done I placed the blanket over us. 

Right when I was going to fall asleep the baby started crying. I groaned getting out of the bed. "What's wrong guys? You ready for bed?" They nodded sticking their hands towards me. "Alright let's get you guys ready for bed." I got them dressed in their pajamas and put them to bed in their cribs. Jungmin was already asleep so they were fine. "Dadddyyyy!" Now to deal with my mochi. He was pouting while wrapped up in a blanket. "What's wrong baby?" "Why daddy leave Minnie? Chimchim ish lonely." My heart melted into a puddle of nothing. "Oh my little baby!" 

I scooped him up kissing his face making him giggle. "Daddy tickles!" "No you let daddy love you." He was giggling while I was on top of him. "You're too cute baby." "Daddy is a bunny!" "My baby is a mochi." "I smiled giving him more kisses. "My daddy is the best!" "Really?" "Esh!" "Can my baby show me?" "I make daddy a picture!"

I smiled knowing he was going to draw me something. He was watching tv as well as drawing. "You're doing such a good job." "Minnie draw good?" "Yes baby you're the best at drawing." He smiled before the door knocked. "Stay here baby." I kissed his head before going to open it.

"Daddy Mi Cha won't stop crying." "Alright let me go check on her." I could hear her crying which made me groan. "Honey why are you crying?" "Dada!" I picked her up calming her down. "Shh it's alright." "Mama! Mama ilky!" "Your mommy is sleeping." "Eee!" "How about I give you some of my milky?" "Nu mama!" "H-he's doing something right now." "Reeeee!!!!" My eyes widened by her screech. I put her under my shirt feeding her. "Shh it's alright." A couple minutes later she was fast asleep so I placed her in the crib. I went back to my baby seeing him still drawing. 

"Baby it's time to get ready to bed." "But d-daddy I'm not d-done." "You can finish coloring in just a little bit but you have to take a bath." He whined when I picked him up taking him to the bathroom. "You'll be alright." I let the tub fill with water while I started helping him take his clothes off. "You're so cute~" I gently picked him up placing him down in the water. He cooed looking around in the water. "W-Where Minnie toys?" "Right here." He always has to have his toys in the bath. 

While he played with his toys I started washing his body making sure every place was clean. "Alright baby let's get you dressed." I kissed his head before wrapping him in a towel. "You're such a cute little baby." He stayed on the bed covering himself with his towel. I got his pajamas starting to change him. "Daddy c-can I finish my drawing?" "Yes baby let me just get you your milk." Every night when Jimin's little he always has to drink milk before bed. He'll get really whiny and start crying until I go get it. 

It's really cute when he's whiny. When I got back to the room Jimin was coloring in his coloring book wanting to finish. "Daddy I finished!" "Aw you're such a good boy." He showed me the drawing happily smiling. "You did such a good job." "Tank you daddy!" "Alright it's time for bed." Jimin pouted but started picking up his mess while I got the bed ready. "Come here baby." He crawled towards me sitting in my lap. I opened his mouth putting the tip of the bottle in. He started drinking the warm milk snuggling close to me. 

"You're such a cute mochi." I kissed his cheek before seeing that he had finished the bottle. "Daddy Minnie ish s-sweepy." "I know you are baby." He closed his eyes letting me place him on the bed. "Daddy..." "I'm right here baby." Once the lights were turned off I got in bed with him placing the blankets over us. "Goodnight baby." "Nigh nigh daddy." 

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