Chapter 149 (M)

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Jungkook POV

I felt bored and didn't really know what to do. "Jeon there's a call for you." The officer handed me a phone letting me talk. "Bun what happened!?" "I'm alright baby." "Did they hurt you!?" "No I'm alright." I could tell he was crying which made me pout. "Don't cry baby I'm alright." "What did you get caught for?" "They thought I was kidnapping Jungmin." "Did you show them the adoption papers?" "I did but they arrested me either way." "Those bitches." "Don't worry baby you just have to get me out." "I'll get you out my bunny just wait a bit ok?" "Ok baby I'll wait." 

My time was up so they took the phone back. Thirty minutes later they told me someone was here for me. "Hi baby." We had to talk through the phone which I didn't like. Hyung-min was with him which made me smile. The babies hands are so cute and tiny. "Hey buddy." He cooed and bit my baby's fingers. "Don't bite your mommy I don't want him to cry. We only got to talk an hour which sucked. "I'll see you later baby ok?" "Ok bye bun." I had to go back to my cell which sucked. Hopefully my baby does well. 

Jimin POV

My poor bunny is in jail which makes me sad. I hope he doesn't get hurt in there! Hyung-min whined when he left. "Don't worry your daddy will be fine there." He chewed on my chin which made me whine. "No biting." I kissed his cheek carrying him to the car. "Can you be good?" He was a little fussy and kept whining. "Shh it's alright honey." He sniffled and lightly bit my cheek. "Just a few minutes till we get home." I hissed when he scratched my forehead making it bleed lightly. "Hyung-min no scratching mommy!" I lightly slapped his bottom making him cry. 

The scratch really stung and there was dried blood on it. He sniffled and looked at me with puppy eyes. "It's alright little baby but no scratching because it hurts." He nodded and snuggled against me. A few minutes later he fell asleep and was snoring softly. We got home and I took him inside to his room placing him down. I cooed giving his cheek a kiss. Jungmin was home and playing with some plushies making them have a tea party. 

"Mommy what happened to your head?" "Your brother scratched me." He kissed it better which made me smile. "Where's daddy?" "He's working right now." "Why did the police men take him away?" "It's nothing for you to worry about ok?" "Okey." I went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Mi Cha walked in the kitchen and tried to get the bag of candy thinking I wouldn't see. "Little missy where do you think you're going?" She stopped in her tracks before turning around and looking at me. "H-hi mommy." I took the candy from her which caused her to whine.

 She whined and crossed her arms. "You can have some after you eat." "Okey." "Now go play." I continued cooking and couldn't imagine the disgusting food my bunny must be forced to eat. How is he gonna sleep at night!? My bunny needs to cuddle me and I need to cuddle him! TaeTae will cuddle me. I'll just call him and make him cuddle me. I'll feed him dinner so he'll be fine. I grabbed my phone calling him. 

"Hey Min." "TaeTae you have to come sleep over with me." "Why?" "Bunny is in jail." "What!?" "They thought he was kidnapping Jungmin." "Oh thank goodness I thought he got caught killing someone." "Don't worry Tae but you have to come sleep over." "Do you need me to cuddle you?" "Yes." "What do I get in return?" "My food." "I'll be there in ten minutes." I giggled and hung up. The food was all done and Tae should be here any minute. The door knocked and the guards opened it. 

"TaeTae!" "Hey Min." He gave a hug kissing my head. "So your bunny got locked up?" "Sadly yes." "How long is he gonna be there?" "Well the court date is in a week so he'll stay there." "How often do you get to see him?" "Only once a week for an hour." "You're not gonna survive." "That's why my best friend has to be here." "Yes yes I know I'm amazing." I giggled and went to get the kids. "Oh the little babies are so cute!" "Of course they are."

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