Chapter 139 (M)

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She think that Tae has dated every single one of the members which is just crazy. Every time I say something now like jokingly she makes it a big deal. Also this girl texted her saying to follow this account where this girl exposes TaeKook since she works for Hybe. The girl who works for Hybe says that Taekook is real and that Jimin takes advantage of their fights and comes onto both of them. Like what?! How does my mom even know if she actually does work for Hybe or if she's just faking it. It's driving me crazy. Also if she did work for Hybe wouldn't the company know what she's doing and like fire her? 

Jimin POV

"Bun?" He looked up at me crying. "Oh I'm sorry!" "W-Why's my baby being mean to me?" "I-I'm sorry bun I don't know why I was being like that." He nodded hugging me. "Maybe there's a baby in there." "Maybe." "Can I have his kisses?" "Of course you can." I didn't care that he was sick anymore. I gave him all the kisses he wanted not caring if he coughed or sneezed on me. "Bun you gotta rest now." "But I wanna be with my baby." "I will be right here with you bun." "Ok I'll go to sleep now." "Good bunny." I kissed his cheek and played with his hair which helped him fall asleep.

 "I'm sorry my bunny." He looked so cute which made me feel even guiltier.  I hurt my poor bunny. His arms were locked around me tightly meaning he wasn't gonna let go of me anytime soon. What do I do to make up? I'll let him choose a reward. "Bun you gotta let go of me." "N-No." He teared up giving me a kiss. "Shh don't cry my bunny." "I-I want my baby!" "No no don't cry I'm right here." "Y-You're not leaving me?" "No bun I'm staying right here with you." "O-Ok." He placed me on top of him kissing my cheeks. 

"I want my baby to stay here with me forever." "I will bun don't worry." "You have to stay with me all today." "But what about the babies." "Leave them." "I can't do that." "Why not?" "Because I have to keep them safe." He nodded giving me a kiss. "You feeling better my bunny?" "Stomach hurts." "Stay here while I get something." Once he let me go I went downstairs making some tea. Tae probably went back to sleep. The tea was done so I quickly went back upstairs. "Ok bun you have to drink this." "It's hot." "I know." He drank the tea slowly not wanting to burn himself.

 "It's ok bun." Once he drank it all I gave him his medicine and tucked him in. "Can I have my cuddles now?" "Wait just a few minutes bun I have to go check on the babies." He nodded letting me leave. "Hi guys." "Mama!" "You hungry?" "Mhm." "Ok let me feed you all." I was done in about an hour since there was so many. "Ok stay here you guys I have to go check on your daddy." They nodded and started playing with some toys. "Bu- I stopped when I saw he was sleeping. The medicine probably made him drowsy. 

I have to go pick up the kids either way so I'll let him sleep. Before leaving I gave him a small kiss and left a note letting him know where I was going. "Bye my bunny." The driver was already waiting outside for me so I had to be quick. The windshield was repaired so we could use the car. "Where to Mr. Jeon." "The school please." He nodded driving down the street. There was a long line but we got there a bit earlier so it shouldn't take that long. We waited a couple minutes till we were at the front. "Who are you here for?" "Jeon Jungmin." "Mommy!" 

The lady looked at us weirdly. "Um are you sure that's your kid?" "Yeah." I smiled at him. "Are you sure?" "Why would I lie about him being my kid?" "Because some people do." "Can I just get my kid?" She glared at me before bringing him over. "Jungmin is this your father?" "No- "See I told you!" "He's my mommy." "What?!" He whined hugging my leg. "Did you have a good day?" "This old lady ruined it." I snickered as she quickly left. A few seconds later she came back with a police guard. "He's trying to kidnap this child!" I rolled my eyes picking up Jungmin.

 "Mommy I wanna go home." "I know but we have to wait and then you can go play." "I'm cold." "It's alright." Seo-Joon got out the car walking to me. "Mr. Jeon is everything alright?" "This lady doesn't think Jungmin is my child." The police guard cleared his throat. "Do you have some ID on you?" "Yeah." I grabbed my bag pulling out my ID. "Here." He looked at it before handing it back to me. "Mrs. this is his son." "But he called him mom!" I groaned looking at her. "It's the 21st century bitch!" She gasped smacking me in the face. "Mommy!" 

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