Chapter 107

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Jimin POV

After my bunny blacked out I dragged him on the bed which was not easy to do. He hugged me tightly while sniffling. "Shh it's ok bun." He whimpered holding onto me tightly. "Shh bun don't cry." "Our baby won't talk." "It's alright bun." "B-but I want to hear him say his first words." "It's going to be ok bun." "No it's not." I sighed rubbing his head. "He's going to be just fine." "I know he will but I want to hear him say his first words." "Maybe he is just a late learner." "I don't think so." "Come on bun you have to think positive." "I'm trying." 

"My bunny is sad and now I have to help him." "Want hugs." "Come here." He lied down on me while making circles with his finger on my chest. "It's gonna be alright bun." "I know." What do I do to calm this bunny down? My tiny hand went to his head where I started scratching him. His eyes shut meaning he was relaxed. My baby bunny is sad right now. "Are you gonna be ok bun?" "I guess." "Good." He smiled before whining. "What's wrong bun?" "The baby kicked me."

 I giggled before kissing his head. "Now my bunny has to help me make food." "Do I have to?" "Do you want to eat?" "Fine." Once he got off of me I walked out the door with him trying to hide behind me. "Come on bun." "I cried in front of them." "So what?" "I let my ego down." "Oh my god you're overthinking things." He whined when I pulled him to the kitchen. "Just go in." I saw his eyes tearing up. "No don't cry again." I wiped his tears away making sure he was good. "Now be good bun." I got things out to cook before looking at my bunny. "Bun what's wrong?" 

He was looking at the floor where Hyung-min was at. "It's gonna be alright bun." "How do you know?" "Would you rather have that or him be in the hospital?" "I don't want any of those?" "Well he's going to be ok." "Alright." "Now come and help me cook." "Ok." I let him cut up some vegetables while I cooked the pasta. "Bun can you give me the sauce?" "Here." While I was draining the water Mi Cha walked in the kitchen. "Hi honey." "Mama!" I put the pot down picking her up. "Look how cute you are." She giggled while hugging me tightly. "How about you go play with bubu so mommy can finish cooking?"

 She crawled to him while I finished cooking. "Bun can you...bun?" I turned the stove off before going to the room. "Bun what's wrong?" "Don't want him." "What do you mean?" "I don't want him!" "Why not?!" "I don't want a son like him!" "Are you listening to yourself?! How could you say that about our son?!" "You don't understand!" "I understand that you're ashamed of your son!" "We can't have him!" "Why not?!" "We just can't!" "Fine if we can't keep him then I want a divorce!" "Fine!" I walked out the room slamming the door before going to the spare room.

 I broke down crying while hugging a pillow. The baby kept kicked me hard making me hiss. "TAE!!" He walked in the room. "What's wrong? I heard you and that muscle pig arguing." "I don't want him anymore." "What?!" "He is ashamed of our son and doesn't want him." "What the fuck is going on with him?!" "I don't know but I don't want him anymore." "Come on chim. What if there's something else to it?" "What else could there be?" "I don't know? Why don't you go ask him?" "Don't want to." "Come on chim." 

"Fine but then I'm beating your ass." "Alright just go talk to him." I got up from the bed walking to the room. I opened the door seeing my bunny crying in a pillow. "Baby!" He ran over hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry baby! Please don't leave me! I love you and our son. I wasn't thinking a-and it was stupid of me!" He cried while apologizing to me. "I-it's alright bun." "N-no it's not. I'm sorry baby please don't leave me!" "Calm down bun!" He wiped his tears while placing me on his lap. "Don't worry bun it's ok." He hugged me tightly while crying. 

"Can you tell me why you didn't want him?" "W-well when I was younger I had a little brother and h-he was deaf. My parents didn't w-want a kid like him so they abused him till h-he." "What happened bun?" "H-he killed himself." "Did you think I was going to do the same to him?" "Mhm." "Then why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you were going to hurt him." "Bun you know I would never do that." "I-I know but I wasn't thinking." "Then my bunny needs to think." "You still going to stay with me?" "Of course I am." He smiled before going under my shirt. 

I smiled as he rested his head on my chest. While my bunny was sleeping I had to finish cooking. Carefully I placed him on the bed letting him sleep. His nose twitched making me coo at him. My bunny is so cute. I left the room going to the kitchen. Luckily I turned off the stove so the pasta wouldn't burn. After the food was done I set the table calling them to come eat. "Mama!" "Hi honey." I put her in her highchair giving her some food. "Dada?" "He's sleeping right now." She pouted making me coo. "Don't worry you'll see him later." She pouted while eating her food. 

I made sure to leave some leftover for my bunny. Mi Cha started crying and so did Chung-cha but Hyung-min only whined. I picked all three of them up walking to their room. "Shh it's alright mommy's here." They drank my milk before falling asleep which made me smile. I put them in their cribs making sure they were nice and comfy. Jungmin was taking a shower since he was tired. A few minutes later he came running to me. "Mommy!" "Hi honey." He sat on my lap while hugging me. "You ready for bed?" "Mhm." "Alright let's get you to bed." 

As I was tucking him in he looked at me while pouting. "Mommy are you and daddy getting a divorce?" "No honey." "Then why were you yelling?" "Well sometimes grownups have arguments but it doesn't mean your daddy and I don't love each other." "Okey mommy." He smiled while holding his plushy. "Goodnight." "Night night mommy." I left his room and saw my bunny waiting for me at the door. "Hi bun." "Hi baby." He hugged me while smelling my neck.

"You a vampire now?" "No I just love how my baby smells." "I haven't even showered yet." "You still smell good." "Well let me shower and then you can smell me all you want." "Alright now my baby shall shower." He picked me up carrying me to the room. "Thank you Mr. Uber." "Now you shall pay." Yes I got fucked real hard and good. (No details since I'm evil) I whined not feeling my legs. "Oh my poor baby." "You didn't even let me shower." "It didn't seem like you had any problem with it." "Sush." He smiled before hugging me tightly. 

"Ah put some clothes on." "Whatever you say." I smiled to myself while hugging a pillow. "Baby you know I hate when you hug the pillow." "Deal with it." He whined while hugging me. "Fine I'll give you hugs." He smiled when I turned around to face him. "My baby is so cute." "Yeah yeah." "But it's true." "Hmm." I smiled when he gave me neck kisses. "Didn't you mark me enough?" "Nope." As he was marking my neck I looked up at his hair playing with it. His teeth grazed against my sensitive spot making me whine. 

"Bun you already marked me." "Not done." "You're going to be called a leech." "Don't care." His hands gripped onto my waist tightly. Now I have a leech sucking on my neck. He might as well be a vampire. My bunny was being clingy which I enjoy. Sneakily I wrapped my arms around his neck so he can get closer to me. "I thought you didn't like for me to mark you." "Well I do now." "Whatever my baby says." While he was doing thought I decided on how to punish my bunny. Yes I forgave him but he still gets a punishment. I could not let him fuck me but that's also a punishment for me so that's out of the question. 

Maybe I can wear revealing things and not let him touch me. Yes we are doing that. A couple minutes later he was finally done. "Baby you have to let me go." "No you stay there." "But I'm thirsty." "You have milk right in front of you." "Oh yeah I forgot." He went under my shirt drinking my milk. I closed my eyes letting him do what he wanted. For a while he was drinking making me whine. "Bun leave some for the kids." "We can get them formula." "Nu they like my milk." "Fine."

 He drank one last sip before going up to me. "There now go to sleep." "Can't." "Well try to." "I already went to sleep." "Well don't pester me."' "How can I not?" "I'm tired bun." "I know but I'm bored." "Then close your eyes and try to sleep." "That won't work." "Then give me cuddles." I pushed him down on the bed before laying on top of him. "There now go to sleep." He sighed while rubbing my back. My eyes were closed while resting on him. "Baby?"

 I didn't answer since I was tired. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to yell or say things like that. Please forgive me." My eyes watered by his words. I almost felt bad for punishing him. Like I said. Almost. 

Hey guys! I just wanna say if I upload late it's because I'm writing a new story so sorry if it takes long!

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