Chapter 94

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Jungkook POV

We were staying in the room for a while waiting for the doctor to tell us some information. "Is my baby feeling ok?" "I'm feeling fine Kookie don't worry." "I thought you died." "You're so dramatic, I just passed out." I pouted laying next to him. "Because my baby is sick you get to choose some places to go to." "Jungkook I had some low iron you're acting like I'm on my deathbed." "I don't care I still wanna take you to places." He pouted but started to write down the list.

●United States

"I'll take you to all those places." "Thank you kookie." Just then Jin hyung walked through the door with tears in his eyes. "Oh Jimin!" Quickly he hugged him and cried on his shoulder. The rest of the group came in the room. "I'll be fine." "You always say that! This time you are not fine!" He sighed and handed Jimin the kids. "Here they missed you." "Mommy what happened to you?" "I just felt a little sick." "You're going to be with me forever right?" "Of course I am." More tears welled in his eyes. The babies were resting on his chest while looking up at him. "Hi my little babies." They just stared at him while poking his cheeks. 

Jimin POV

Right now the kids are playing with me and their toys. How cute they are. While I was playing with them the doctor came in. "We are going to set up the treatment now." "W-will it hurt?" "Maybe a little." They put up lots of wires and connected them to my body. The last thing they did was give me a shot making me whine since it hurt. "We will check on you every two hours." "Ok." Jungmin looked at the wires on me. "Mommy what are these for?" "So I can feel better." "Are these magic tubes?" "Yeah." "How do they work?" "They have little fairies in them so they go inside my body to make mommy feel better." "Wow that's so cool!" 

I smiled at all of them and hugged them tightly. "I love you my babies." Just then an alarm rang making me jolt up. "What's that for." "It's noon so I think you have to eat." The rest left so they could go eat but my bunny stayed with me. "Bun go eat something." "No I'm staying with you." "Come on bun you need to eat." "Not hungry wanna spend as much time with my baby." "I'll be fine bun the nurses and doctors are here to take care of me." "Don't trust them." "Fine but at least eat something." "Fine but I'm coming right back with my food." "I'll be here bun." "Good." He pecked my lips before leaving. Soon a nurse came in the room with some food. "Oh thank you." 

"Enjoy~" She walked out the room slowly

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"Enjoy~" She walked out the room slowly. While I was eating the food I felt sleepy but made sure to stay awake so I could see my bunny. My eyes shut for a bit but opened when I heard the door open. "Bun?" "Right here baby." "What took you so long?" "Baby I was gone for 10 minutes." "Really? Wow that felt like a long time." "It's probably the medicine." He sat down and started eating his food. Just then I felt something next to me. He placed 3 stuffed bunnies next to me. "Bun what's this for?" "So you have company when I'm not here." 

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