Chapter 111 (M)

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Jungkook POV

It was early in the morning when I woke up to Jimin shaking me. "What's wrong?" "Mi Cha won't stop crying and she wants you." "Give her to me." He handed her to me before going back to bed. "Honey what's wrong?" She cried pointing to her leg. "I know it's itchy but you can't scratch it or else you won't get better." This made her whine. "Shh it's alright." "Dada?" "I'm right here." She yawned cutely before resting her head on my chest. I smiled rubbing her back. For a while she was fast asleep looking so cute. My baby was sleeping since he was tired. 

He works so hard and takes care of the kids so well but he still thinks he isn't worth anything. I played with his hair making him smile. For a few seconds I kept playing with his hair until my hand started aching. I stopped making him pout. He curled up in a little ball making me coo. He looks so cute which makes me want to melt into a puddle. How could someone be this cute? I sighed looking at him. He's perfect for me. Mi Cha moved around making me smile. Her tiny little feet kicked around as she moved closer to me. 

The sun was coming up already so I got up walking to the kitchen. The house was pretty messy so I decided to clean. I put the baby in her crib before going to clean. I didn't clean the kitchen since I was going to cook. I know I can't cook good but I can make pancakes which is good. The kids like pancakes and so does my baby so I'll cook in a little but for now I'm going to clean. 

two hours later 

I was done cleaning which made me sigh. My baby must be awake right now. I walked to our room seeing him awake while pouting with messy hair. He looked so adorable which made me coo at him. "Baby how long you've been up?" "Lil bit." I walked over to him picking him up. "Come on baby." "Where are we going?" "I have to cook for you and the kids." "But you don't know how to cook." "I do know how to cook this food so lets go." "Alright but I'm going to be right here to watch you." "Ok but I won't do anything stupid." "You better not." "I won't now play with the baby." "She looks so cute~" "She's adorable." 

He got some toys playing with her. I could tell by the sparkle in his eyes he was little. As they were playing I cooked the food making him coo at the smell that filled the house. "Baby it's time to eat." "Carry me!" I picked him up placing him in the chair. "Now be a good boy and eat your food." "Alright" He ate like the good boy he is. I got Jungmin putting him in the chair. Mi Cha didn't want to eat making me pout. "Come on honey you have to eat." "Nee!" "Why not?" She pointed to Jimin. "You want mommy's milky?" "Dee!" "Alright but you have to wait." "Dee!"

 I laughed at her cuteness while playing with her. My baby finished and started whining. "I'm right here." "Kookie I wanna play with the babies." "In a little baby." "B-but Kookie" "You have to feed the babies." "Don't wanna." "You can play with them in a little bit." I put one of the babies in his lap seeing him whine. "It's alright." Once she started drinking I went to get the three other babies. They were awake not doing anything just laying there. "Hi guys." Chung-cha smiled and cooed at me while Hyung-min didn't do anything. "You guys ready to eat?" "They both nodded.

 We still haven't chosen a name for the baby so me and my mochi need to choose one. A couple seconds later I was sitting down on the couch while my mochi was feeding the babies. "It hurts." "I know baby but they have to." "Why?" "So they can grow big." "But I don't want them to grow up." "They have to baby." "But I- don't want them to." "It's alright baby." He started crying which meant I had to comfort him. I placed him on my lap calming him down. 

"Shh it's alright." "B-but I-I wan them to be babies f-forever!" "I know baby but then when they grow up they can have babies." "I-I know?" "Don't cry you still have lots of time with them." "Okey." He continued to feed the babies till they finished. "It hurts." "Don't worry baby you'll be fine." "Make me feel better!" "Alright come here." He sat on my lap taking his shirt off. I kissed each nipple making him whine. "Shh don't whine." He scrunched his nose up holding onto my shoulders. "Kookie d-don't do t-that." "Shh I'm making you feel better." While I was making him feel better I noticed he was blushing.

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