Chapter 187

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Jimin POV

Today was the day. The big wedding day. Sadly my bunny was not with me since we can't see each other today. "Jimin-shii are you awake!?" "I'm awake!" Tae and sunshine walked through the door smiling. 

"Baby mochi is finally getting married!" I smiled getting up. "Your kids have been taken to get ready so everything is prepared." "What about the new babies?" "They're sleeping right now so we have to hurry." 

"Were they ok?" "Yeah they were actually pretty calm." "That's good." "Now you're gonna have to live without your bunny for the day." "I can do that." "For once he's not going to be eating your face off." 

I giggled letting them take me to the bathroom. "Now mochi has to get ready." "You guys are more excited than me."  "We can't wait to see you in your dress but firstly we are taking you out." "But I wanna see my babies." "They're still here so you can see them in a little bit." 

I smiled quickly getting dressed. "Mama?" "Hi my baby!" I picked her up which made her smile. "Where mama going?" "Mommy and daddy are getting married today." She giggled clapping her hands. 

"Love mama~" "Aw I love you too." She gave me a kiss before going down. "Mama do makeup?" "Yeah I gotta get ready so we can get ready." "Dada take babies." "How many babies did he take?" "I dunno." 

She played with my makeup brushes helping me. "Thank you hon." She smiled biting my fingers. "You ready to go eat breakfast with Uncle TaeTae and Sunshine?" "Yee!" I kissed her head taking her downstairs. 

My bunny took the older kids meaning I had the little babies. Hyung-min was dancing in his room which made me giggle. "We're gonna go out my baby." I kissed his cheek picking him up. "Today, mommy and daddy are getting married." 

He whined shaking his head. "You get to give us the rings." He pouted running from me. I ran after him picking him up. "Don't cry baby." He sniffled wiping his eyes. "Why don't you want mommy to get married? Hmm?" 

He pouted taking me somewhere. He had taken me back to his room pointing to a picture. "You wanna have me all for yourself?" He nodded hugging me. "I'll love you even when I marry your daddy ok?" 

I gave him a kiss taking him downstairs. Kang-dae was awake crying while Hanae was laying in her little chair. "Baby why are you crying?" I picked him up kissing his head. His cries softened when he felt me. 

"You must've missed me."  He held onto me gently gripping onto my shirt. "Were you hungry baby?" While he drank I was walking around getting the kids dressed. I was left with the two pairs of twins. 

"Thank you for getting dressed." I picked her up taking her to the couch. Hyung-min was sitting next to Hanae playing with her. "Thank you for watching your sister." He smiled jumping around. 

"TaeTae I'm ready." "You look gorgeous!" I smiled getting the baby bag. "Alright so we got a schedule for you mochi." "What's the schedule?" "You were the one who made it how could you forget it?" "I forget a lot of things." "Luckily I wrote it down." 

He handed me a piece of paper with the list on it. First on the list was breakfast which is where we were going. Hyung-min was holding my hand gently kissing it. "Aw you're so sweet to me." 

He smiled hugging me. We finally got to the restaurant making sure no one saw us going in. Kang-dae was crying starting to get fussy. "It's alright baby." I gave him a bottle feeding him. He drank the milk calming down. 

Chung-Cha was looking at the menu trying to read it. "Mama wha that?" "Those are pancakes." She cooed wanting them. "Jimin-shii you don't seem excited." "I am I'm just a little nervous." "Why?" "What if something goes wrong?" "Then your bunny will shoot them." 

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