Chapter 106

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Jungkook POV

It was about 3:00am making me groan. This was going to be a long trip. I had to use the bathroom but my mochi looked so comfortable on me. He whined when I placed him down. "Shh it's ok." "Where my bun...going?" "I have to go to the bathroom baby." "Hmm okey." While I was walking to the bathroom I felt a tiny hand on my arm. "Bun wanna stay wif you." "Alright baby come with me." He smiled holding onto my arm. I walked into the bathroom turning on the light. "Ok baby you stay here." "Okey." He sat on the counter while I used the bathroom. 

He whined sticking his hands to me. "I'm almost done baby." "Wan my bunny." "Alright I'm done." I picked him up washing my hands. "Come on baby it's time for you to sleep." I walked back to our seats sitting down. "Bun not tired." "Come on baby you have to sleep." "Nu I wanna stay awake." "Baby you need to sleep." "Nu!" "Are you yelling at me?" "N-nu." "Naughty boy." He whined hugging me tightly. "Now go to sleep and I'll get you chocolate." "Okey." 

He got comfortable before falling asleep on me. So he was tired. My baby is so cute when he sleeps. While I was admiring his beautiful face I noticed his cheek was red. What happened to my baby? I'll ask him later. I rocked him in my arms seeing the pretty ring on his finger. I smiled at it kissing his hand making him smile. I'm so lucky to have him. 

six hours later 

After what felt like forever we finally got off the plane. "Come on baby you have to get up." "Wanna sleep." "The kids have to be carried so I gotta put you down." "Nu wanna be carried." "Someone carry him." "I'll carry him." "Thank you." While Mr. IQ 148 was carrying my baby I got the kids. We got our things from checkout and got a car. "Alright I drive." "But I want to drive!" "You don't even have your license." "Doesn't mean I can't drive." "That's exactly what I mean." "Fine you can drive." "Where are we even going?" "I came prepared." "What does that mean?" "You'll see." 

Before we went on the plane I bought a house so we can stay there instead of a hotel. My baby was pouting while I drove to the house. "We are here." They got out looking at the house. "Wow." "Well let's go inside. 

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