Chapter 116

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Jungkook POV

"We are here my mochi." "Ok but you have to help me." "With what?" "Choosing clothes." "Fine." "Come on bun you have to be more excited." "How long are we going to be here?" "I dunno know." I whined holding his hand as he pushed the stroller which had room for all the kids. 

"Do I have to go?" "Yes now come on

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"Do I have to go?" "Yes now come on." I sighed walking with him. "Why are you being so whiny today?" "I'm hungry." "We just ate!" "Don't care." He pinched my arm which made me pout. "Your pouting won't do anything." "You're so mean." "Come along my bunny before I go talk to another guy." I ran to him hugging him tightly. "You are not going to talk to another guy!" "Good now that you're here help me." "Just don't talk to anyone else." "I won't unless I have to." "Nu stay here with me." "I am not going to stay here and cuddle you bun." "Why?" 

"Because I have to get clothes for her." "Why?" "Her clothes don't fit her anymore." "Fine." "Come on you can't be sad it'll be fun." "But I wanna cuddle my baby." "You can do that later but right now I need you to help me." "B-but baby." "No buts bun." I whined hugging him." "Bun let go." "Nu!" "What does my bunny want." "Wanna cuddle my baby." "Not yet bun." "Can I have my hands on your ass?" "Will you behave and let me get clothes for the kids?" "Yes." "Then alright."

 I smiled placing my hands on his oh heavenly jibooty. "Now be good." "Yes princess." He smiled walking inside the store. There was a security guy at the front who looked at my baby. "Baby why is that guy staring at you?" "Maybe because your hands are on my ass." "Tell him to stop looking at you." "Thought you didn't like for me to talk to other guys." "I don't." "Then let him look." "Fine." I glared at the guy as my baby walked to the clothing section. "Bun help me." "I'm going." "Do you think she'll like this one?" This is going to be long. 

four hours later 

"Alright we are done." "Finally." "Don't be that dramatic." "My back hurts." "I'll give you my heating pad." "Thank you baby." I leaned down giving him a small kiss. He smiled going on his tippytoes giving my nose a kiss. "You're so tall." "Yes I grew taller." "How much?" "I am now 6'3." "I'm only 5'8." "But you're so tiny." He kicked my ankle which made me groan. "You still hit hard." "Yes because I never know when you're going to act like this." "Can I have kisses now since you hurt me." "Not until we get home." "Why?" "Cause every time you kiss me that means my ass will get wrecked and I don't wanna be like them." 

There was some couple making out and practically having a sex show in front of us. I rolled my eyes placing my hand on his ass. He got on his phone looking on Instagram. It was fine till I saw some guy who was shirtless on his feed. "Woah woah woah." "What?" "W-who is that?" "Who?" "That guy?" He scrolled up a little letting me see that guy. "Who is he?" "I dunno I think he's a model or something." "Why are you following him?" "Why not?" "What if he's looking at you?" "Bun he's famous I don't think he would be looking at me considering I'm with you." "How does he know I'm with you?" "It says it in my bio." "Good now don't let him look at you." "I won't my possessive bunny." "Good." 

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