Chapter 85

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Jungkook POV

Once I saw the note I looked around the front yard but saw no one. "Hyung's!" "What's wrong?" I showed them the note and saw their eyes widened. "W-who could it be?" "I-I don't know but there was this girl that kept looking at me and even touched my face at the store." "Maybe it was her." I looked down at my baby who was sleeping. No one will take my baby from me. "We need more guards." They nodded and walked away getting more guards. I walked upstairs and looked around the room. Who the hell is messing with my baby?

 Carefully I placed him down on the bed and looked around the room. There must be something in this room that is watching us and I will not have it here. "Daddy what are you doing?" "Nothing." He sat up and looked at me while pouting. "What's going on?" "I'm just checking for something." The whole time I was checking the room he was looking at me and sniffling. "Baby what's wrong?" "Y-you...don't want me!" I sighed and crawled next to him. "Come here." I pat my lap. Quickly he got on and hugged me tightly.

 "Why's my baby crying?" "Y-you don't want me anymore." "Why would you think that?" "Y-you sounded like you t-thought I was annoying." "Baby I didn't mean to sound like that." "How do I know that?" "You're just gonna have to trust me." He snuggled onto me and bit me. "Baby why'd I say about biting me?" "That I can do it whenever I want to." I whined as he left bite marks all over my arms. "You done yet?" "Not yet." He kept biting me while I tried to stop him. "Baby you already bit all over me." He continued till he finally stopped and sat on me. 

"My little baby." "I'm not little." "Yes you are." I felt him pinch me making me jolt up and whine. "That's what you get." "Naughty baby." While I was getting up he was clinging onto me. "Come on baby I need you to stay with me." "Why?" "I'll tell you later but for now you need to stick with me at all times and not go anywhere without telling me." "Fine I'll tell you when I go out." "Good boy." He smiled and gave me head scratches. Oh how good it feels for someone to scratch your head. While he was scratching me I was watching tv and felt so comfy. 

Just then the door opened. Jungmin quickly jumped on the bed and ran to us. "Hey hey what's wrong?" "T-there's a doggy chasing me." I could tell he was crying since his cheeks were wet and his nose was running. Yeontan walked in the room. Jungmin started crying and holding onto Jimin tightly. "Yeontan go away you're scaring him." He whined before leaving. I sat next to Jimin and picked Jungmin up placing him in my lap. "Shh don't cry." While I was comforting him Jimin was recording and taking pictures of us. 

After a few minutes all I heard was soft sniffles coming from him. Soon he fell asleep and would not let go of me. "Baby help me." "You're on your own." He waved bye to me before walking out the door. I whined and wanted to go follow him but I didn't want to wake Jungmin up. Guess I'm staying here with him so might as well get comfortable. As I lied back he held on my arm with his tiny hand. I smiled and made sure he was also comfortable before falling asleep. 

Jimin POV

After leaving Jungkook I walked downstairs to the kitchen and started digging through the fridge looking for something to eat. There was nothing to easily cooking making me angry. Just then I saw my leftover pizza in a bag making me happy. I did a little happy dance before microwaving my food. Taehyung walked in the kitchen but walked slowly passed me. "You can act normal around me." "Y-you sure?" "Yes." He nodded and went to the fridge. The microwave beeped. Quickly I got my food out and started eating happily.

 "TaeTae can we do something today?" "What do you wanna do?" "I dunno." It was quiet for a bit before I thought of something. "We can make the baby room." "Oh yeah we need to do that." "Have you found out how many you have?" "You think I'm gonna tell you?" "Yes?" "Well you are correct." He smiled and ran over to me. "Ok tell me." "I am having twins!" He gasped loudly and jumped around. "Is it a boy or girl?" "One of each!" "Then we need two cribs!" "First I have to ask Jungkook if I can go." "Why?" "I don't know but he said if I want to go out I needed to tell him." "Weird." 

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