Start from the beginning

"Well." someone said walking in. I turned to see Klaus he turned to me smiling at my presence. "Hello, love."

"Hello, Klaus."

"Look what you caught." He said walking to Rebekah. "If you're planning on bleeding him from vervain, don't you think it be easier to hang him upside down?"

"I'm perfectly able to conflicting pain thank you." Rebekah glared at her brother before looking back to Damon and slicing him again.

"Oh well, excuse me, it's not like I have experience in the matter." Klaus smirked at Damon amusedly.

"You know, why don't you just leave us be and go and manage your witch." Rebekah says causing me to turn.

Klaus left the room. I gave Rebekah one last glance before quickly following him through the maze of a house. "What witch is she talking about?" I asked him as he entered a room where Bonnie was sitting down. "Why is Bonnie here?"

"Why are you here?" She asked me.

"That doesn't matter." I responded walking over to her. She looked like she was doing some spell.

"Tik-tok, I should hear chanting by now." Klaus looked at the set up Bonnie had laid out in-front of her.

"I'm still starting the unlinking spell. It's not that easy under stress." She replied, annoyed.

"You've been warned. If you're looking for a way to send help I will kill anyone who comes to your rescue."

"This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough." Bonnie stood up from her sitting spot.

"Then channel me." I suggested. She turned to me.
"It'll give you more power."

"Absolutely not." Klaus said turning to me. "Bonnie just needs a little more faith in herself. Your mother helped my mother to link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard. Very well." Klaus said pulling out his phone.

"Kol. How's the weather up there in the mile high city? And how's our friend. That's him. There's Jermey." Klaus says, brining the phone down from his ear and showed the phone to Bonnie.

"Isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen? Thank you Kol, well be in touch." He turned towards the Bennett witch. "So, Bonnie, how about that spell?" Klaus raised a brow and walked out of the room.

"Really Nik, Jermey?" I hurried behind him, furious that he would do that to my cousin.

"Nik?" He asked. I stopped and widen my eyes. "It's just— Rebekah calls you that and I've been hanging with her a lot so it kind of you know, stuck in my memory."

Klaus smirks walking up to me. "So I'm stuck in your memory?" He walked over to me, making me take a step back and grabbed my waist gently.

"I didn't mean it like that." I replied with a short roll of my eyes.

He smirked leaning down towards me and placing a kiss on my lips to which I returned. He pulled me closer. We pulled back when we heard bonnie approaching, and luckily I pulled away before she could have seen what had just happened.

"I'm done. It's done." She said walking past him. Klaus and I followed behind her.

"Aw, leaving so soon?" Rebekah teased her.

"Sister. Be nice" Klaus warned.

"Thank you, Bonnie." Rebekah said. "See you in physics class." She smirked. She walked away, leaving the Damon hanging from bear traps in sight.

"Oh my god." The witch said, seeing Damon hanging from the ceiling.

"Yeah, you'll have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings." Klaus laughed.

"Bonnie." Damon groaned in pain.

"Go on. Help him. Save the man who turned your mother into a vampire." Klaus whispered to bonnie.

"Just get me out of here." Bonnie muttered turning away from Damon.

"Very well."  We turned and lead her to the front door.


"Klaus I'm here." Klaus and I heard the youngest Salvatore yell a few minutes after Bonnie had left the mansion.

"What's he doing here?" I asked as we left to find him.

"Probably to save his helpless brother." There was amusement in his voice as we walked to where Stefan's voice was coming from.

"Nora, what are you doing here?" He furrowed his brows as I stepped into the room where Damon was dangling from chains, blood was dripping down his arms.

"What are you doing here?" I shot back, he had a black duffle bag in his hand.

Rebekah walked in not long after we came in. "Oh good. A hero." She rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" Klaus asked.

Stefan threw the bag of stakes down on the ground, the zipper was open and you could see the light wood of the stakes. "I'm here to make a deal."

"Stefan, what are you doing?" Damon mumbled obviously not pleased with how his brother brought the stakes to the originals, he must not understand Stefan would do anything for his brother.

"Eight stakes made of white oak. The part of whickery Bridge that you forgot to burn." Stefan spoke, ignoring his older brother. "You don't look suprised? Why?" Her facial expression told him she already knew of this.

"Well why do you think Noras here? She gave me a little heads up." As she said this, Klaus lips curved up into a smirk. Stefan looked at me in disbelief as I looked anywhere but at him.

"Finn's dead." Stefan said drawing attention to him, the room went quiet.

"You killed my brother?" Rebekahs voice came out low and steady.

"Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that can kill you." Stefan said.

Rebekah took out mine that I handed her and threw it to the pile. "Make that nine. Nora handed hers over."

Klaus looked to Stefan. "And how do I know there are any more left?"

"Because there aren't." He lied, there are more.

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